Beta wins president Final figures

Day 6,072, 12:41 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Keithunder

time=10:26 BST
The system is simple plurality with no threshold

Betafoxtrot................... (T.R.S.) 53 votes 69.7%
Prince William I................... (Britsh Empire Party) 23 votes 30.3%

Total Votes= 76 (-1 )
Estimated Quota= 41
Projected Winner

Projected Losers
Prince William I

Last time results
Mr Woldy...................... (T.R.S.) 47 votes 61.%
wingfield...................... (Workers' Rights Party) 30 votes 39.%

votes vs Party members
Betafoxtrot................... (T.R.S.) 53 votes from 33=160.6%
Prince William I................... (Britsh Empire Party) 23 votes from 12=191.7%