Around eWorld - Stage2 ( eSpain )

Day 2,183, 06:59 Published in Spain Turkey by millyi

eDay 2183

Hello eSpain \o/

Let me present myself. I’m millyi, eitalian player with the will of adventures.
I decided to e-travel a bit. The reasons that made me take this decision are simple: the will to meet new people and to try to do something new for me in this game. So i had the idea to make my own map of eWorld. I will color on the map the countries i visit (the map below) and add on it a picture of some monument that could rappresent each country in some way. I have already visited some e-countries but to make the map i don’t remember the order in which i have visited them, so i’ll come there again (i hope) 🙂

My journey started on e-day 2169 but it had a little delay ( It’s harder to get a cs ingame that in RL because of mishaps… firstly i aked for a cs in a country that had a diplomatic tabu to the one to which i was linked in some way, so i decided to ask for another cs while this coutries haven't solved this problem… and the story doesn't end ( won’t say the country) but it was loosing regions faster than i asking for a cs, my request were broken 3 times in 2 days and at the end it had no regions… than i had problems with the internet )........ and finally i can restart my e-journey 🙂

I had visited Spain in RL time ago, a beatiful country with very kind people, i still remember 2 ladies that were trying to explain me the path, ‘cause i was lost a bit 😃

I'd like to thanks the Congress of eSpain that has accepted my cs request and MoFA who, patiently, had answered to some my questions

To see the e-map better please open it in another page 😛

* the map was made using current eRepublik map