[WHPR] Day 4798: 4 More Weeks

Day 4,798, 14:04 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room

Hello America, Kevin Sheridan here welcoming you to the 2021 January Presidential term.

Chickensguys Wins Re-election

Chickensguys defeated challenger Derphoof, following the very brief re-election campaign the administration is now fully focused on promoting American prosperity on all fronts. Thank you Derphoof for a gallant challenge.

The Cabinet returns:

VPOTUS: Kobble
Chief of Staff: Wild Owl
Secretary of Defense: zRTx
Secretary of State: Carlos3652
Secretary of Media: Kevin Sheridan
Czar of Education: Thee Dude
Secretary of Homeland Security and Governor: Dominar Rygel XVI
GIMP Czar: Groot of Cascadia

Senior Advisors: dmjohnston, Monsieur Manchukuo, Aersidius, svs1109, Herr Vootsman

The previous term has been full of activity, most domestic programs were overhauled and a few created from scratch, social support for American citizens of all occupations and playing styles has seen a substantial funding increase. A special Christmas grant was also approved by Congress at the behest of the government.

On the international front, government has been steady and consistent in its pro Apollo/Asteria policy with the overall aim of continuously strengthening relations with Asteria. Several offensive military operations have been conducted, all achieving their main strategic goals.

The administration is planning to build upon the success of the last month: increased growth at home, a communicative and coordinated military apparatus, and a stable progressive foreign policy. Be assured, the prosperity of the American citizen will remain at the center of the government's agenda.

Which reminds me to finish off with this: