[WHPR] Day 4780: Thee Czar

Day 4,780, 14:09 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room

Hello America, Let's take a stroll around the White House and check what the cabinet is up to.

Chicken Feed :Newest DoI initiative

It has been very busy at the DoI since the 5th. Old programs have been revamped and a new one launched.

The newest program is Chicken Feed. A daily post is posted on the country feed through which 1000 health are provided to eUS citizens who are able to do a minimum of 25 kills a day. This program is being run under Thee Dude’s able leadership. It will require players to comment under the post so long as they have achieved 25 kills. Read more here.

Chicken Feed joins the expanding family of 4 DoI programs. Chicken Dividend (Made up of the old Crap and FFF), Chicken Feed, GIMP and Fly By Prio which is a joint program with the DoD.

We cornered DoI Czar Thee Dude for a quick conversation:

1. What makes this DoI term different from those which came before it?

Not to disparage previous DoI, but we are fully engaged this month on doing everything we can to help our eCitizens grow. To make the community stronger.

2. What's your day to day routine as Secretary?

Thee Dude: Up early. Post the various posts I have to make. Make food drops for people that posted overnight. Check on my deputy make sure he's taking care of his responsibilities. Touch base with him on any projects we have in the works. Then do the things we all do. Work, train, fight.. Check msgs. When I get home I send out all the food from the various posts.

3. Any future plans?

Thee Dude: Rule the world.

4. How much are we spending on stuff for citizens every week?

Thee Dude: We are budgeted for 155K a week. But it looks like we will come in under that as we are getting about 10 less people per day then we anticipated. Plus we are shopping very aggressively to get the best price we can.

Herr Vootsman: also 750k per week for Chicken Dividend.

Thank you DoI for your great service to this community!

Always a good time to remind you our training war situation, read the complete listing in a recent guide published by POTUS

Occasionally the US media team is asked by citizens why won't the US assert its sovereignty over all 50 states/regions. Let us reiterate the obvious, regions are a resource, having a lot of regions allows us to host more training wars, which means more gold, more cc, more rank points and more stability and diplomatic options. Sitting on unused regions just for the sake of preserving RL patriotic concepts doesn't promote any ingame national interest.

Which reminds me to finish off with this: