[WHPR] Day 4700: CP Debate

Day 4,700, 14:11 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room

Dateline: Friday, October 2nd, 2020 (Day 4700)
Location: James S. Brady Press Room, The White House

1: CP Debate

1: CP Debate

Ladies and gentlemen, over the past ~24hrs I have had the privilege to host a text-only CP debate between Tyler Bubblar and Dirty Scarlet Silverbeard in a private discord server. I asked them both quite a few questions, gave them both the opportunity to respond to each other’s answers, and got some great insight from them both. I hope this debate will inform the votes of many.

The debate topics were:
-General questions
-Voter Submissions

I created a text channel for each of the topics, due to schedules not lining up, so they could answer multiple questions at a time at their leisure. I gave them one question per topic at a time, and moved on to the next question when both of them had the opportunity to type something out. I will now present the text logs 1 topic at a time.

(general, introductory question)
What qualifications do you have to be CP this month?

Tyler BubblarYesterday at 7:48 PM

That's a long a long list. First and foremost I've done this job 7 times before. I've been Party President of the Federalist Party 10 times, I have held numerous posts over the years, but I think most importantly I've been President during a resource wars, I believe I've shown repeatedly I can assemble a team of the right people and allow them to excel. I've believe the key to doing a great job as President is to know your own strengths and weaknesses and work within them.

Dirty Scarlet SilverbeardYesterday at 8:56 PM

2x Party President for the Republican party party President for the NOS party Vice President for The Republican party 1x time Model Congress member Republican party Communication Director, Model Congress Media Director Republican Party Chairman of Welcoming Committee 2x Republican Party chief Stastician, Republican Party Ambassador; Federalist Party 6x United Stated Workers Party Zombie Hoard member 2x United Stated Workers Party RECON member White House Internship Program USWP Honor Corps. Member Won 40Th Congressional “Entertainer of the month” award Two time winner of USWP “Zombie of the week” Deputy Secretary of Media head of eSA Ministry of Communication head of eSA Ministry of Domestic Affairs 3x eSA Congress member 7x eUSA Congress member 2xPP of Outlaws of the Seven Seas -Currently part of SFP SC Committee(i think since day 1 i have been part of eSFP)
8:57 PM
3x Training Corps member 2x eUS Army 4x of Pickles Patriots Former member of the Advengers eSA 2x of Brigadier eSA 2x Brigadier General 7x Battle hero Current member of the Bear Calvery
8:57 PM
I pulled this is up in Google docs. I litterly track my history and experience lol.
9:00 PM
Look, thing is. I am going to be a huge underdog. A guy who has never been CP to an individual whose way too motivated. Never in my elite have I had eyes on all me before and I'm excited to provide a different perspective on our nation how I can do better. How we can do better and ive come a lllllonnng ways from always being an underdog in politics and this little dog has a big WOOF, I'm fired up and ready to go. im not perfect, by all means but I am going to surround myself with diversified members of society and really help us out. I'm not new in politics.

Domestic Policy

acronachYesterday at 7:33 PM
What domestic programs do you plan to maintain or introduce, in addition to the war effort?

Tyler BubblarYesterday at 8:05 PM

Many of the domestic programs available to the citizens of the eUSA were either created or restored to the eUSA during my tenure this Summer. So yes we will maintain and emphasize the programs available through the Interior and Education we will also finally unleash the National Scavenger hunt event I'd hoped to do in July and August. The war effort regardless of Resource Wars or not is important, but equally important is communicating with and engaging the community.

Dirty Scarlet SilverbeardYesterday at 8:12 PM

I want to help build a few ideas that are rolling in Congress right now. Getting people engaged and and feel welcomed will really make our citizens feel good about themselves and they should. They are truly the back bone of our nation. Something similar to Tyler but I would like to get a few ideas rolling like a national family fued style formatting thats eRep related. Fun. Engaging and we'll laugh together. Wheel of fortune style. I don't want to leave anyone out.

For example, we can help build new players up and maintain the growth in current players by introducing factories funded by the Government. People would work there minimum wage and in turn get x amount of food and x weapons daily. Intune, people can use that to fight on the battlefield at low costs and build their strength up, sell said goods they earn and buy gold to help upgrade their strength. We need everyone to support eachother in the coming resource wars

Tyler BubblarYesterday at 8:14 PM

That's in place right now. We have a National Cooperative in which several private citizens have donated millions of cc for the express purpose of buying new infrastructure for players that choose to join. We established that during my last tenure as CP. Max was the architect behind it.

Dirty Scarlet SilverbeardYesterday at 8:18 PM

Well fun. Truly did not know that. In the case, I want to build up up our engagement and fun department related areas. Its the internet. So many possibilities. I am not a huge part on watching people stream while they play games over and over but I find it fun that we can get a few ball rolling and have like an engagement round table discussion playing games

acronachYesterday at 8:23 PM
A Congress member recently proposed a bill to create an "Eagle Squadron MU" in public Congress. What are your thoughts on this? Are there any variations of the plan that you would suggest, either to Congress or to an existing MU?

Dirty Scarlet SilverbeardYesterday at 8:26 PM

I was perhaps one of the first few who wrote up "hell yes". We need that. We need growth, in fact it would be a learning experience for everyone as the playing field as eRep is different these days. I WOULD LOVE TO BE APART OF IT. This might add on to another answer to one of your questions but I am like a sponge. I am always eager to teach others what I know and I could learn a thing or two from the young pups.

Tyler BubblarYesterday at 8:44 PM

DMJ summed up my thoughts on it with this post:

I'm against any infrastructure purchases, because:
    [li]ROI on companies is still insanely long.[/li]
    [li]Existing government programs can cover food/housing for these new players without the potential for loss.[/li]

As far as the rest goes, this is coming from my background in the Training Corps, the Air Force, and about a thousand months as SECDEF. A Training MU is great, but people get burned out really fast. So, there needs to be a close watch on staff to ensure things aren't falling by the wayside.

As far as "new players" goes, here's some data to consider. These are new player applicants from GIMP (user ID 950xxxx or greater).

[td]Dead && !Banned[/td]
[td]Dead && Banned[/td]

So we can say there are new players, but the data shows that the majority either do not stick around or are fake accounts. I'd be interested in seeing the same counts from other government programs as well.
In my opinion for years we've tried to overcome erepublik labs neglect of this game by trying hard. I think we've done well given the circumstances, but until they decide they care about the state of the game and the community within the game as much as we do we're simply managing the the decay.

acronachToday at 4:54 AM
Although not facing any immediate PTO threat, there are some lurking dangers such as the stubborn sticking around of Ajay Bruno and the periodic return of Valiant Thor. Do you have any plans for Homeland Security in light of this?

Tyler BubblarToday at 9:29 AM

There was a time when I believed that I was permanently typecast as Secretary of Homeland Security. Don't get me wrong I was always happy to serve in that role. I felt it was important and worthwhile. However, at this point I have no plans to revive that department. As always we'll pay attention during election days to monitor for any nonsense, but nothing beyond that.

Dirty Scarlet SilverbeardToday at 10:01 AM

Yup! Easy peasy. Im really great with handling trolls for one and I've dealt with Ajay Bruno throughout my tenure in eRep. you gotta start with congress and have them hold off without background checks and hold people accountable. I don't think we have anything to worry about overall. I've got a thick skull. I deal with hard hattes people everyday day. I can take a bullet.

People over think things and I don't think I'll have a problem besides being a huge underdog as CP. You can't make everyone like you. no PTO here. Just trolls who just want the last word and piss people off for the personal injoyment for some odd reason lol.

Foreign Affairs

acronachYesterday at 7:33 PM
The most important question of this section comes first. What is your stance on the eUS aligning itself with Asteria?

Tyler BubblarYesterday at 7:56 PM

I'll be blunt. I set us on this path. I believed strongly when I signed the NAP with Asteria it was the best choice. I also believed it was the best thing for the eUSA to leave CODE when I pushed the button for Congress to vote on departure. Everything I've seen since has only solidified my belief that the right choices have been made.

Dirty Scarlet SilverbeardYesterday at 8:15 PM

We need to distance ourselves from CODE completely. it was horrible to see a partnership fall apart but being backstabbing is not the right thing to do to your own allies. We should continue to build our relationship Astoria, Canada, Mexico and smaller nations as well such as South Africa and Australia and help our allies and friends grow. I think the strength we have now can really solidify that idea and show CODE that words hurt. We're a strong nation.

acronachYesterday at 8:22 PM
Since the peace deal, there have been voices in our nation both for and against a stronger relationship between us and Canada. This split was particularly visible during the neodymium rent discussion in Congress the other month. What stance do you take on relations with our neighbors to the North?

Dirty Scarlet SilverbeardYesterday at 8:46 PM

I feel that we should continue to build a postive relationship with our maple friends. I have alot of friends in eCanada and they are good people. Hard working people and I'm sad to see it fall apart over the years. We can do better.

Tyler BubblarYesterday at 8:59 PM

I'm in favor of mending fences with Canada. We've had a long complicated relationship with them over the years. However, they have made it clear they wish to improve things between us. Given the new direction of our Foreign Affairs I'm in favor of a fresh start with our neighbors to the North

acronachToday at 2:37 AM
Many hearts were broken when Plato announced a nation can only place a maximum of 10 resources in their cores. Depending how our resource wars go, would you be open to the idea of a fun little conquest in order to expand our bonuses?

Tyler BubblarToday at 2:41 AM

Really we'll have to wait and see what happens and what the exact mechanics will be. In times before the first resource war we were able to rent bonuses from other countries in order to achieve full bonuses. So I'd be open to looking to do something similar once again.

Dirty Scarlet SilverbeardToday at 9:52 AM

Yes and no. You gotta look both sides into to see if it will be useful and beneficial for us. Then again, helping our allies and friends is really beneficial as well.
Together, strong

Resource Wars

acronachYesterday at 7:33 PM
Onto the topic everyone's thinking about. Since the max 10 per country announcement, president Krapis has been trying to find national agreement on 5/5 food and 5/5 weap as a goal. Do you agree with us pursuing those resources?

Tyler BubblarYesterday at 7:54 PM

I absolutely agree with this. Unless something changes the aircraft weapons are not important at all. Housing is nice as the ability to work extra is great and the extra energy is nice but having most players self sufficient and able to earn a profit through ground weapons production either of WRM or tanks is paramount.

Dirty Scarlet SilverbeardYesterday at 8:20 PM

Tyler's right, we need to focus on food and weapons. In my opinion, housing industry just isn't profitable as a whole as wages have been stable for the most part. Things are not free. We have a crap ton of land right now that can be allocated for good resources for hard working citizens. We need food to fight. And to fight well and strong, we need weapons that can progressive help us.
Easy peasy lemon squeezy

acronachYesterday at 8:21 PM
How much experience do you have coordinating damage in battles? Are you confident in your ability to organize our fighting force for the upcoming event?

Dirty Scarlet SilverbeardYesterday at 8:50 PM

I have a handful of experience within military. the newest version of the military module i do not. As soon as I learn the full scope of things, eRep does a 360 and add more nonsense that I gotta relearn again.

So, older modules, yes. Bsck in my early days I help with eSouth Africa and a popular MU and I help Maintained a spreadsheet and tracked how much damage people did so we can decided the best approach on future battles with the best people on the Frontline.

If I remember right, I somewhat helped with Feds waaayyyyyyy back in the days as well. Not enough to say "hey. Im damn good"

Tyler BubblarYesterday at 8:53 PM

I have been President during a number of campaigns and in more than a few cases it fell to me to keep things going smoothly. The results from those instances have always been good. That said I've always leaned on my NSC team to do the job and do it well. My style is to select excellent players, put them in a position in which they'll excel, give them what they need to do so, and then trust them to do it by getting out their way unless circumstances force me to do otherwise.

acronachToday at 2:40 AM
Since the event was announced, there's been a lot of talk about where our new safe states should be and which resources we should try to put on each. Do you have a tentative plan laid out for our new map? How much of that plan can you share with us?

Tyler BubblarToday at 2:43 AM

It's being worked on even now as we all kind of guess how we think it will go. There are definitely tentative plans, but until we know what mechanics we'll be working with they're very projectional.

Dirty Scarlet SilverbeardToday at 9:50 AM

Yes. I think we should really look into the population of what the player base is and start with that. Everyone should have the ability to have maxed out resources. again. We only have an x amount of active players. So I gotta look at that first and then look into strategically placing them that are valuable to us and possibly valuable to our allies and help continue to boost our economy imports and exports. the eUS is one of the most leading countries to do business with so yoy also gotta look in that as well.

Voter Submitted Questions

Throughout the process, I contacted several people in the eUS to ask them what questions they wanted the CP candidates to answer. I made effort to reach out to at least 2 people from each of the top 6 parties. I got a lot of good responses, it was hard to narrow them down to a few, but here are the ones I ended up asking the candidates.

acronachYesterday at 7:34 PM
From DMJ: "who are some former or current players you respect and seek to emulate?"

Tyler BubblarYesterday at 7:51 PM

Josh Frost taught me a lot about not just winning elections but doing the job to the best of your ability after. DMJ and MollyEmma have shown me through their examples of how important it is to make the hard choices no matter how difficult it might be. I've learned from years of working with WildOwl the importance of pragmatism. I also came to greatly admire Hadrian X he was only with us a short time in 2016 but damn was he dynamic!

Dirty Scarlet SilverbeardYesterday at 7:51 PM

When I first logged into eRep, the media model exploded in my head. "Holy crap" I can be creative and open my mind with endless possibilities". Phoenix Quinn was like my spirit animal for the media. He told stories others didn't. Sure, articles were really long but they had something. That niche. A good beginning middle and ending. He was like the Stevening King of writing. And I wanted to be like that. I so so do. And that when I created my own radio show. Before podcasting became a real thing and I wanted to be a good story teller and tell stories and crack up and just enjoy it.

So yeah, PQ was someone I looked up to and I hope to someday be better and be that story teller.
Oh!! DMJ is a talented person. Who would love to fight along with in a battle. Yes. I agree with Tyler. DMJ. Is smart. You need that. We all do. We need someone to check our balances and keep us in line and thats good.

acronachYesterday at 8:21 PM
From Blande: "how committed are you to keeping the eUS a Dioist country and have you recently been cleaned in the sacred sands of Pakistan?"

Dirty Scarlet SilverbeardYesterday at 8:23 PM

Honestly, I find eReligon very boring. I was never a fan of it. But if someone love religion and what their beliefs are, more power to them. I think everyone deserves to have that sense of hope and something they can look up to each other. Didst, glove is love or whatever that is out there. Exploring the unknown is a good thing.

Tyler BubblarYesterday at 8:48 PM

Dioism is not something I've ever care a little. I'm all for others who care about it doing whatever makes the game fun and interesting to them but for me it's not a big issue. I did agree to send magnesium to Pakistan so they could have full aircraft bonuses but I don't know if that counts as being cleansed in the sand. Also full confession my ancestry on my mother's side comes from Spain... So I might just be a pig disgusting partial Spaniard.

acronachToday at 2:45 AM
From Max Planck: "My only question is what do the candidates want to improve in the Co-Op system and what do they plan on doing in regards to it"

Tyler BubblarToday at 2:50 AM

In regards to the National Cooperative I believe it needs more consistent press. During my last terms we rewarded the members of the Cooperative with cc for publishing articles and recruiting new members. I'd like to get back to that, and see the DoCA org newspaper publish regular articles informing the citizens of the eUSA that the Cooperative is around, recruiting, and eager to help players who want to be self sufficient but don't have the means to do so.

Dirty Scarlet SilverbeardToday at 9:46 AM

I do Indeed believing in rewarding people for hard work. I also believe in simplifying things. We don't need to reward everyone for everything they do. With the player base we have now with an average voter base of 300. We need to just have simple public articles twice a week from WHPR. With the upcoming war, we'll need the airtime to boost our DoD and give detail instructions regarding all thing resource.

My goal is really just keep things sort sweet and too the point.

Another goal of mine is to keep people informed more within the game itself. I don't want to encourage the player base to use other means of communication. We can only so our part as gamers oh so much.

acronachToday at 10:20 AM
(the national co-op is a group of people who contribute to a shared treasury, and are able to request funds for personal company growth. It was modeled after SFPs co-op and established a few months ago)

Dirty Scarlet SilverbeardToday at 10:25 AM

Oh duh. I was thing of something else. Whoops. so, whats happening within SFP since I am SFP is a lot of good growth. We're seeing a great amount of people helping out but also the Bear CalVery which is own Governing entity. We can replicate what SFP but at a national level. like a few models happening for a MU government ran, we can do that for private citizens as well. Help them grow, they help defend and grow the country.

Win/win situation

(general closing question)
And finally, why should America elect you for our next CP?

Tyler BubblarToday at 2:46 AM

Because October will be a big month filled with important moments. My entire erepublik career I've been about rising to the occasion in order to help the eUSA move forward. I've not been perfect, but I am proud of what my Cabinets and I have accomplished.

Dirty Scarlet SilverbeardToday at 9:40 AM

Because I'm a trusting individual who has the confidence and cabiblity to get the jobd done. With an extensive background with political module, military and media. I know I have the underlying knowledge of how to bring our nation together, simplify how we run things and boost our community fun

Ladies and gentlemen, that’s all for now. Thank you for tuning in, and remember to vote!

[WHPR] CP Debate

:These links apparently still work! Nice!:

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