[WHPR] Day 4582: Election Results Again

Day 4,582, 06:11 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room

results pending admin vote check

Dateline: Wednesday, June 6rd, 2020 (Day 4582)
Location: James S. Brady Press Room, The White House

Articles since Last WHPR
DoCA National Coop Outreach
eUS Population Statistics May 2020
PotUS By Their Fruits ye Shall Know Them

1: Election Results
2: Press Briefings
3: News Updates

1: Election Results

Tyler Reëlected, Vows to Restore diaeresis to White House Style Guides

Gonzo journalist who gets to write his own bylines, Paul Proteus

It's an exciting day in Washington DC, as the nation elects its President. Aides and journalists buzz throughout the city, eager to be the first to know how the nation has voted. We, at the White House Press Report, at the time of reporting, are excited to present our exclusive report of uh the public voting page.

Early returns indicate that President Bubblar has won a commanding reëlection with over 60% of the vote. It's impossible not to see this as a strong show from the public of support for his past term, in which foreign policy successes have been matched by an unprecedented level of activity from citizens and bots alike.

President Bubblar looking good and showing none of the stresses of the office

We have caught up with President elect Tyler Bubblar for an exclusive interview:
WHPR: Tyler, congratulations!
Tyler: Thank you, I couldn't have done it without my team

WHPR: What are your plans for the coming month?
Tyler: I look forward to taking advantage of our more stable diplomatic environment to pursue interior policies, implement a new relocation scheme, and also to start using the diaresis whenever I write reëlection

WHPR: That sounds good...wait what?
Tyler: How else do you know how it's pronounced? It's not reel-ection, it's reëlection. If the New Yorker can do it, so can we.

WHPR: Uh sure, Thank you Tyler. Is there anything else you want to say to all the Americans reading this?
Tyler: Any time! Thank you for your support, together, if we coöperate, we can achieve great things, reënter the international stage, revitalize this community, and from the daïs of the Presidency, prove our doubters to be naïve. God bless the eUnited States.

Uh so there you have it.

Congratulations Tyler. I speak for everyone in the White House Press team when I say I am looking forward to another great month of writing executive media and presenting only the most exclusive and only-kind-of-made-up interviews to the public.

2: Press Briefings

The PotUS himself has graced us with a PB that does not sacrifice quality for its copious quantity. I think we may have a new record for longest Press Briefing we’ve seen, and I certainly don’t feel like counting how many screenshots I’d have to crop and splice together to get it all in one image. Insteal, I’ll link it here and highly encourage all of you to go give it a read.


3: News Updates

A TW with Spain is being discussed. Our CPs have already been in contact. The goal from now on is to have more TWs than RW supporters.

Renting a fruit region to Canada is being discussed. There are a handful of fruit regions we have to pick from. Our renters are willing to pay extra to be located near the Nabisco production facility. It is unclear why, but we've been advised by wise old MoFAs from beyond the grave to oblige the request.

Witnesses are reported to have seen members of the new National Coop performing some kind of public hazing ritual that involved sprinting through the streets of DC with a pair of scissors. Such a bold act can only be seen as a play for publicity, to try and attract new members. Contact Wilhelm Rontgen for info on how to join. COME ALONE, MAKE SURE YOU ARE NOT FOLLOWED!

Do you have a pesky family member that you’d like to get away from? Like, far away from? Like, an entire ocean away from? Good news! You can sell them into the ambassador program! Contact PimpDollaz to negotiate price and arrange specifics of capture enlistment.

[WHPR] Election Results!

:These links apparently still work! Nice!:

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