[WHPR] Day 4579: TWs and More

Day 4,579, 08:25 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room

Dateline: Wednesday, June 3rd, 2020 (Day 4579)
Location: James S. Brady Press Room, The White House

Articles since Last WHPR
[DoCA] eUSNC Recruitment and Free Food
[DoE] Library of Tutorial Links Day 4577
[State] Updates and Musings, Day 4579

1: News Updates
2: Press Briefings
3: This Day in eRepublik History

1: News Updates

Due to a treaty between Finland and Romania, our own TW with Finland will no longer be possible. Outgoing potential TW offers as well as incoming rental offers are being discussed, and we will likely have more foreign affairs news to report by the end of the week!

Another shoutout to the National Coop, if you’re interested or you want to know more, click the link above or contact Wilhelm Rontgen

Also let's welcome Ireland's ambassador to our nation: Gracee Omalley!

2: Press Briefings

Coming at you straight from the Whitehouse, here’s the latest press briefing answering the question: “How does the president really get work done?”

3: This Day in eRepublik History

Today is June 3, 2020, eRepublik day 4579.

This week in June, 2009, enlistment in the eUSAF was first opened for enlistment by the scrabman administration. In-game Military Units had not yet been introduced, so eUSAF was entirely organized in the meta. eUSAF was a group of citizens who, at the direction of the eUS Government, “flew” overseas to assist in preventing PTO’s in allied nations. eUSAF was not, therefore, a branch of the military which fought together in eRepublik wars. It voted together in foreign elections. It appears to have eventually been called “Strategic Air Command”.

[img]https://i.ibb.co/M8bQ2xG/Strategic-Air-Command-Emblem.png[\img][/img]Here is its corpse.

This week in June, 2010, Spain was wiped by our allied forces led by ePortugal. eUSA played a pivotal role in this huge victory by piercing into the core regions of ePoland. ONE focused its energies on battling back a very strong eUSA push, but lost Spain in the process. This was just one episode in what was known as World War V.

This week in June, 2013, eUSA was in the midst of “unity elections”. It was experiencing a strong PTO push by RGR. “Unity elections” enabled the top 4 pro-eUSA parties to hold a pre-election which each party then agreed to support for CP. By not splitting their votes in the official CP election ingame, Unity was able to keep RGR’s American Freedom Alliance out of the White House. Later in June, 2013, RGR lost the AFA when stewy was elected in a successful anit-PTO maneuver called “ATO” - “Anti-Take-Over.” American sovereignty was preserved. I found this poem celebrating the victory.

On this day in 2016, Air Combat was introduced. The announcement came at the end of the “Resource Wars” event which also brought the new Aircraft industry into the game. Aircraft industry resources (neodymium, magnesium, cobalt, titanium, and wolfram) were fought for internationally during Resource Wars, but the new resources applied to an as-yet-unknown industry. With this Latest Updates announcement, the Aircraft industry was revealed.

Respectfully submitted,

WHPR Day 4579: TWs and More

:These links apparently still work! Nice!:

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