[WHPR] Bread and Circuses [WHPR]

Day 5,070, 17:16 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room

Dateline: Thursday, October 7th (Day 5,070)
Location: James S. Brady Press Room, The White House

Today’s WHPR
1. Bread and Circus
2. The Cabinet
3. Watch the National Feed

Rally round Thee Dude

This election cycle has seen an unprecedented coalescence of the top five parties around His Dudeness. Even in his bathrobe, El Duderino brings the eUSA together like never before. We The People put forth Thee Dude with all the love and support you'd expect from the top party in the eUSA. Their dedication to the eUSA is apparent in their selection of Thee Dude as their presidential candidate this month. The Federalist Party whole-heartedly supported Thee Dude in his bid to succeed Voots after his 6,790th term as PotUS. The Socialist Freedome Party threw their support behind Thee Dude as well with enthusiasm, endorsing a We The People candidate for the first time in their history. And perhaps most impressive, The Black Sheep Party endorsed a candidate, which they do NOT do lightly. TBSP is one of the most strict institutions of our time, and their nod means the world to Thee Dude.

It is with this unconditional and unprecedented support that Thee Dude takes the helm as PotUS. His dedication and hard work have made him an undeniably natural selection to be the new leader of the free world. And that phrase should take on new meaning to everyone. His predecessor Herr Vootsman saw the eUSA through one of our darkest times in eHistory, and now it's Thee Dude's turn to make his mark. May his reign be long and distinguished.

The Cabinet

In no particular order, here is the all star team that will help Thee Dude in his month of glory:

Vice-President: Baby Yoda
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Herr Vootsman
Minister of Defense: What A Guy
Governor: dmjohnson
Minister of Media: CTHULHU
Minister of Education: YOU?

If you are interested in becoming involved, message Thee Dude with your resume and cover letter. He will be sure to get back to you as soon as he feels like it.

Seriously though, there are opening literally everywhere. If you would like to learn about any department, message Thee Dude. He will be staffing deputies and considering firing if you are impressive enough. Get the most out of erepublik and get involved.

Get your Orders from the National Feed

A couple of times each day Thee Dude or one of his staff will post orders in the National Feed. Check here when you are ready to dump some food fights to ensure you are fighting in the correct battles. Sometimes your MU may default to an incorrect battle, check here to ensure that you are being the most effective on the battlefield.

[WHPR] Bread and Circus [WHPR]
A Historic Erection