[MoF] "Build Your Own Stuff!" Future Debate

Day 4,410, 13:23 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Ministerie van Economische Zak

Greetings, citizens of Netherlands,

for several months, we are running a program focused on helping our producers (and our ultimate taxpayers), to help building them new (or even their first) companies to become more self sufficient with their products, or to help fill up the Dutch market with their own goods. However as with all other programs, it is time to reflect and think about the future of the program, and possible innovations.

Given the fact, a lot of our citizens has reached their limits in receiving the Build Your Own Stuff! subsidy during Black Friday, and in order to make the program more attractive for new producers, we are looking for a way to expand and modify the program for the next year. There are many methods, which can be applied to push the program in numerous ways and direction. Below, we present 7 possible options, which were brought up in the government chat. We would like to ask you on your opinion and feedback on these options, so we know, which ones would you prefer.

Possible methods of change:

1. Increase the size of subsidy for players, who did not apply for any subsidy yet (from 35 Gold on food factory to 50 Gold; and from 50 Gold on tank factory to 75 Gold).
2. Increase the limit of factories being able to sponsor via this subsidy (from 3 food factory to 4, and from 1 tank factory to 2).
3. Combine 1 and 2 together
4. Add new support for building Q5 RM factories.
5. Remove the option of loans (as nobody has requested a loan until now).
6. Limit the requirement for holding bonus from 80% to 70%.
7. Limit the support, so only players, who have less than X amount of factories can apply, or have better application conditions (according to point 1.).

Economy is an important aspect of the game, as tax income fuels all our other government activities. So let’s make sure we invest into it accordingly!

Minister of Finance

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