[MoE] Weekend Whimsy #7!

Day 6,058, 08:22 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ministry of Entertainment

Welcome, Citizens! To another issue of the most-anticipated article of the week… Weekend Whimsy! Drop whatever you are holding, throw yourself into the nearest chair, put your typing-thimbles on and get ready for some quizzes!

Here’s what is in store this week!

Reverse Quiz
Lasky’s Four Questions
Where’s Woldy
Sambo’s #CrudeFacts
And topped off with everyone’s favourite… an Emoji Quiz!


It’s time for a Reverse Quiz. What is that you say? For this game, we’ll give you the answer and you’ll have to guess the question from the three options provided.

1. Answer: Sweden
The majority of the world's real cinnamon comes from what country?
What country does the developer of the popular game Minecraft come from?
What nation's legislative body is named The Althing?

2. Answer: Golf
The Ryder Cup is awarded in what sport?
The Davis Cup is awarded in what sport?
The Stanley Cup is awarded in what sport?

3. Answer: 1773
In what year did the Boston Tea Party take place?
In what year did the first recorded cricket match take place in England?
In what year was the Prussian military strategist Carl von Clausewitz born?

4. Answer: Battle of Liège
Which battle was Napoleon’s first victory?
Which battle marked the end of the Hundred Years’ War?
Which battle was the first military engagement of World War One?

5. Answer: Seattle
Google was founded in which American city?
Amazon was founded in which American city?
Apple was founded in which American city?

Send your answers to Sambo223 and you can win 2k for every answer you question…wait that doesn’t make sense.


Last week our CP Mr. Woldy nominated our favourite* Frenchman Citoyen Vigneron:

Lasky has commissioned an agency to get the 4 most thought provoking, world changing, and enlightening questions for CV to tackle …and here are his answers:

Q1). If forced, which current country President would you want a boxing match with?

With my old friend Prince of Austria. I might be the loser so a friend may not hit me too hard.

Q2). Which of the eRepublik modules is your favourite and why?

The Press and the political. Sadly both of them would need some improvement. Btw, feel lucky that both of them are really active in the UK.

Q3). What is the best food from France?

I'd prefer a glass of wine. I'm answering during lunch time so I'd like to order a croque Monsieur and a glass of a rosé de Provence. Vite garçon, s'il vous plaît!

Q4). Which eUK'er should we talk to next?


Great answers, of course! Thanks CV!

*this MoEnt team only knows one Frenchman


Where is he now? He said something about dealing with football hooligans then he left. Apparently it’s “in the strategic plan”.

Send your answers to Sambo223 - as always, 5k if you get it correct!

SAMBO’s #CrudeFacts

We are feeling aquatic this week. Here’s a fact we bet you didn’t know!

We were shocked too, it has left us reeling… Good thing there’s no tumbleweed underwater.


This weekend is one of the biggest celebrations of the year. National Hydration Day. In commemoration can you guess the drinks the emojis are representing?

Send your answers to Sambo223, you’ll get 1k for each correct answer!

Another weekend is upon us and that means there are only 27 left until Christmas. Too soon? Sorry. Start buying presents NOW.

Message all your answers to Sambo223, MoEnt number cruncher.

Have a whimsy weekend!

Sambo223 and the MoHA team