[MoE] Weekend Whimsy #5!

Day 6,044, 08:38 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ministry of Entertainment

Wow! I bet you are as pleased as we are that Weekend Whimsy has made it to issue 5! I better make sure I renew my subscription to WeeklyOneLiner Magazine!

Here’s your chance to win some cash with our Ministry of Entertainment minigames. Keep scrolling for:

D-Day Anagram Solver
Lasky’s Four Questions
Another Where’s Woldy!
Sambo’s #CrudeFacts
And lastly… a tried and tested Emoji Quiz!


This week was the 80th anniversary of D-Day and the beginning of the liberation of Europe during World War 2. Can you solve these five anagrams of D-Day related phrases?

1. bahama echo
2. denovo reportorial
3. burberry humoral
4. budgies grapes
5. hobnobs redraft

Send your answers to Sambo223 and you can win 2k for every answer you get correct


MoEnt roaming reporters are out and about armed with four questions provided by Mr Lasky. Addaway, prominent eUK’er and until recently eSpeaker of the House was their first victim.

Q1). What is an appropriate amount of time to spend bashing buttons on browser games?

Zero, get out while you can.*

Q2). What was your favourite moment of any eSpeaker past or present?

When I deleted the eUK’s Statue Book by accident (2015/16 ish I think).

Q3). Is a Jaffa Cake a biscuit or a cake?

Never eaten one so would not know.**

Q4). Who should we talk to next?


Thanks Addaway!
*Or Stick around for more Whimsy!
**Formatting added by shocked MoEnt publishers!


Where is he now? He wouldn’t stop talking about goals and said he had to get some last minute tickets so he could appear at the Urals?

Send your answers to Sambo - 5k if you get it correct!

SAMBO’s #CrudeFacts

That’s right, with Garth taking a breather (too much whimsy) Sambo is in the hot seat and has parked one-liners in favour of something everyone can benefit from. Rare knowledge, and philosophical questions. This week we go jurassic!

Really makes you think, huh?


We love quizzes, you love emojis. That’s why everyone loves emoji quizzes. The below are all the names of popular bands!

Send your answers to Sambo223, you’ll get 1k for each correct answer!

Thanks for taking part, and we hope you’ve learnt something, even if it is about dinosaur tods. Alimentary my dear friends!

Message all your answers to Sambo223 who will count up the pennies you have earnt.

Have a great weekend!

Sambo223 and the MoHA team