[MoD] Updated Battle Guidelines & MiD Awards

Day 6,045, 03:20 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ministry of Defence

Hello all,

Before we go into the details of the new guidelines I’d like to first commend us on negotiating a tricky situation in our Training War with Bulgaria - a debrief of the situation will be given to congress this weekend.

In times like these you are able to get a view of how the country handles themselves and I am pleased to say we had some great help from a lot of fantastic eUKers as well as support from our friends in Greece. As such, I am pleased to present our next batch of players who’ve earnt a Mentioned in Dispatches oak leaf for their support in getting the battle under control!

Last time we published an article it was to share our recommendations for the eUK’s battle guidelines and get final feedback.

Please note the revised Guidelines as below are now in effect.

We have adopted the recommendations almost in full, with one small tweak which is to add in a line about 3rd party fighters being able to participate from T60. This is following some of our new-joiners sharing their experiences of moving here after observing good battlefield etiquette and TW management in eUK battles. In order to maintain that positive first impression we think this is a good compromise, and one which balances Goal 1 and Goal 2 of the eUK Strategic Plan.

This means the Guidelines are now as below. We have reduced the massive rulebook to some simple guidelines, which can be easily understood and reflected on the eDefence Sheet.

Please always exercise good battle sense and give newer players the benefit of the doubt. Someone falling short of the thresholds by a small amount is not an invitation to overhit, especially if they are are trying their best.

Thanks to everyone who shared views throughout the consultation.

Process Updates

The approach to verifying reports and allocating points will remain the same, with points being publicly available on the eDefence Sheet.

However, citizens will now need 3 ‘points’ to be ineligible for rewards. Points will expire after 20 days.

These changes are to make sure people have a way ‘back in’ to the rewards process to incentivise use of the guidelines. Repeat offenders will remain ineligible whilst those who have stopped overhitting can be re-entered into the process. This avoids people being banned for so long that they see no point in using the guidelines at all.

That being said remember to use the reporting tool! You can report overhitting right here. This helps the government not only process your report but also to get a good sense of what times, battles, divisions and players are involved in patterns of disruption.

May Live-Fire and Pre-Epic Rewards

Well done to everyone who participated in our Live-Fire and Pre-Epic programs! These programs are to reward co-ordination - to encourage a fighting force that can show up at the right place and the right time.

Pre-Epic Rewards

The following citizens showed up in the opening period of an eUK Epic battle to help build epic damage. They all earned shares in the Epic Rewards Fund.

To make sure everyone can participate and there are no barriers to attending (because it is a coordination reward) players earn 1 ‘share’ for recording 100 kills before a battle goes epic.

Live-Fire Exercises

Live-Fire Objectives are shared on the National Feed, in Messaging Groups and on the eUK’s Discord and Telegram coordination channels. People who meet those objectives earn a bit of extra cash on top of their rewards.

Well done everyone who met the MoD’s objectives. There were five in total. The following citizens were rewarded, if eligible:

When aggregated by MU, the table stands at:

Our next round of LFE’s began on Thursday, hopefully you’d already met one objective, even if it was a hard one!

You can read about all our Reward Programs here and see how to take part. Always keep an eye on the National Feed and Messaging Groups/Discord to spot when LFE or Pre-Epic Rewards are up for grabs.

Thanks for reading,

Minister of Defence.