[Game improvements] Company upgrade/dissolve fee

Day 1,213, 14:38 Published in Romania North Korea by Silexu

I was writing in an older article that it would be great if people can upgrade the companies more easily. That would open the appetite to buy gold. For example upgrade to Q2 15G, to Q3 30G, to Q4 50G and to Q5 100G.

A very good comment to that article was that the current owners of high level companies would be in disadvantage because they invested more. But it can be that the difference of the gold invested in existing companies compared with new upgrade fees could be automatically provided to the owner of the company. And guess what, he/she will either use that gold either in Napoleon training, or buy some of the big weapon offers that appeared on the market after the last productivity modification (I am still convinced that the factor is too big).

Last but not least, it would be great if the dissolve fee would be a little bigger. Nobody likes to loose half of what he invested in a company. But if one gets back, e.g. 80% of its investment, maybe one is not eager to wait days to sell that company.

All the best,