Your new citizen.

Day 2,130, 15:33 Published in Spain Ireland by Bad BIue Boys

Hello eSpain,
I'm your new citizen, I'm glad to meet you guys. Hola!
Firstly I'd like to say that I'm here for bonuses, I'm Commander of CrOmega - Croatian MU for new players and we need 100% bonuses on weapons to increase our production. I don't want to lie to you that I'm here for anything else. I actually hate being outside of eCroatia, I was for a long time with my old account and I really enjoyed my time in eCroatia recently. But hey, I'm here now so why not use it to meet a lot of new people and to start new friendships.

I'd like to introduce myself. I'm long time player of eRepublik. I've been on a lot of functions and positions here, I don't want to brag with that, I mentioned that just to make you know I understand gameplay and how one country works. Recently I've been Croatian MoFA for 2 months, we tried to improve our relations with eSpain and I hope we did, I know that eCroatians today like Spanish players more then they liked Spanish players 3 months ago before my term, I know it's same from your side, well at least I hope so. I'm also Commander of CrOmega, the best MU in the eWorld. We don't have any supplies, we require active people and we still have 80 members, we can literally turn any wall in Divisions 1 or 2 in the World.

The reason I picked eSpain is not ONLY bonuses, I know a lot of eSpanish players starting with my favourite dajo90 who was a member of CrOmega for a few months. We love him and miss him, I can't wait for him to come back to our family. I also know many other Spanish players, Maryoky who always loved to ignore me while I was MoFA, but she'd always stay up 'till the morning and surf_legend who I liked as soon as I met him. There's also siddy who helped me get your CS so fast.

I don't plan to interfere in Spanish internal politics. Well, of course I don't, I don't even habla espanol. What I plan to do is write useful articles and meet new people. That's my only wish here.

So, go ahead, drop me a message, say "Hi", add me for friend and let's start this new page of my eLife.