You call Poland great; I call her the opposite

Day 1,789, 15:19 Published in Slovenia Slovenia by Ice Killa

To start off with my thoughts. What is my goal, what do I seek to achieve with this article? I seek to achieve nothing, nor did I have previous goals to write this. I do not seek to to sully Poland, I do not seek to make new enemies. I will just share my opinion towards the northern superpower. The country that has throughout ages made a resounding impact on the game itself. Let's look at things on how they are, the current stance. If this brings destruction of mutual relationship, may it be between me and Poland, not between Slovenia and Poland. I warn you in advance.

What do you stand for, dear Poland? Do you have the dignity to call someone your ally, in this case someone like Serbia, after you betray her and side with once your and the enemies of all your previous friends. Do you have the guts to admit you are a traitor for what you stood for? Do you have the wisdom of a great individual that would face his mistakes and imperfection instead of hide it in the world of incomprehensible lies? I believe no. Power brings responsibility. I may as well call your government foolish, pointless. Filled with utterly irresponsible people who do not stand up for the things they are doing. You are treated as "undermensch" for talking to Poles, for standing up towards them. How is your diplomacy any different to the one of real life countries? How can you even say the feeling or believing you are great hasn't brought you close to those who you despise? Who cares about me, I am a lost cause, you can call me names as much as you wish to. I have become numb to that in eRepublik. Being honest is one of the hardest things one can be, specially towards his so called allies. And honesty won't always bring hate, but facing yourself for what you are.

Poland, who are you? Are you an EDEN country, are you an ally of the Balkans, are you an ally of USA? Who are you? I have every right to doubt what you stand for. With your historical moves in this game you have proven, what you speak is not what you think. Nor what you show to others. You are deceitful, and as such no one should take you seriously. In order for people to take you as a worthy ally, you need power. The only thing left nowadays for you. You are the same as Turkey, just with more skilled and manipulative diplomacy. In Turkey's case moronic attitude brought her what it did. You exploited that to bring former enemies into your sphere of influence. You exploit literally everything there is to exploit.

I would probably even say you would exploit this article in order to hate Slovenians. Freedom of speech, freedom of thoughts shouldn't be hated, but appreciated. As those who you despise or dislike at the end cause the biggest change in your thinking. To be strong, you need to be weak. You were never weak, never faced the fate of Croatia, or in a way Serbia. Have you faced anything worth mentioning? The resources, the resources. Who cares about them? All they are good for is for excuses how one must wage wars against each other. I do not care about materialistic things in this game, as a matter of fact I have given up on training, working and fighting. I gave away all my gold. How can you face me, someone who is the exact opposite to Poland? The country that respects only the material things. Has a superficial thought without any deeper meaning to it! Even though I am officially deemed as an enemy to Croatia, you should at least partially look up to them. Fighting for their allies, not their resources. Fighting for the sake of friends, fighting for the sake of what they believe in. Of course, they aren't perfect, is anyone? Am I? Definitely not.

You aren't great. Nor will you ever be with this kind of attitude. Great countries have modest attitude, you in every way do not share that. Poland only has certain good individuals, beside that you are a country invaded by foreigners who do no assist you, but exploit you. In every way materials are to be exploited. Do not tell me how you are doing a favour to anyone, as that cannot be regarded as a favour, but only a representation of greedy human nature.

How do you not feel bad for signing an alliance with someone you wanted to get rid off? Balkan were deemed as not wanted by you. You personally stated you want to get rid of the Balkan conflicts. You have done the exact opposite, again used the situation to your own good and brought Serbia to bow towards you for her to keep you as an ally. The only good thing this has brought, your indecisive and morally corrupt mind is your previous allies to again side with you and one by one destroy your enemies.

Shame one cannot be destroyed eternally in this game, I would without much added thinking state Poland would be the first one to get rid off. If that isn't the case, well, prove me wrong the ones who have read this. Everyone despises people who are traitors. Same should happen to you, Poland, as is happening to Turkey now.

Hate me for what? What have I stated in this article that is not correct? Your good deeds, are there any? If there were, they were only superficially shown as good. There is more than meets the eye to Poland. Everything has a sinister meaning in your case. So does diplomacy, so does flattery. Everything. Mark my words. Your highlight of the game aren't others, no. You are the own highlight to yourself. You won't stand others who will prove you wrong, oh no you won't.

Do not fight for Poland, do not fight for this. Interests will always prevail in every country in every country's diplomacy. But this is more than apparently seen in Poland's attitude towards everything. I feel disgust and mild hatred towards this kind of virtues. The great endeavour one has to take to speak his mind is terrible and harsh. But remember, be honest and people will be honest to you.

Poles are a great bunch, but as Poles do not represent the dirty nature of diplomacy and sick and corrupted minds leading Polish government, so can I not regard Poles as part of Poland in this mocking.

Great loser you are.

Best regards,
Ice Killa aka Howly