Yhamilitz for President (Official and fixed)

Day 1,166, 17:12 Published in Austria Mexico by Yhamilitz

In March, I would like to participate in the presidental campain.

There is a connection problem with the server in Mexico (or the city where I am living) so I don´t know if I can be active in february.

So my official candidature will be in March, and I will make a new Cabinet, I have some people in my official Cabinet, like patar333, Bofrst-Mann, and Michal Lodziana 1.

I want to create a Cabinet with experimented people, and new people who want to learn, I maybe will brind people from the outside like Chechesa(a very good financer from eMexico) for help me in the Ministery of Finances(I will have like 2 more people in the same position as Chechesa), and I will try to brind back some people like Alfred Ball, and Marie von Gabitz(both was living in eAustria when I was an eBaby).

I will create some Ministeries anb some new Jobs, (like the Ministery of Fun, and the MoFL(Ministery of Forgein Languages)) and I will try to develope a "Presidential Plan" for Austria (Babyboom, and maybe a military plan)[/b]

I also will need at least someone who lives in RL Asia (like China) for be an advisor (Time Zone Strategy) I will have Advisors from Europe, The Americas and Asia.

This is all for now actually. I will write more about this later. Now I have to go XD