Why Does the AFA Support Ajay?

Day 1,856, 16:52 Published in USA Pakistan by Frodo Tea Baggins

That's a tough question. It obviously isn't for his smarts, that bridge was burnt long ago. He's manipulative, fair enough short term, but really not much of an overall answer. The real answers lie in the simplier things. Women hate him for being a stalker, yea he'll stalk you in real life, avoid that. He's obviously mentally ill, he stalked members of the Mitt Romney campaign last elections, he actually called the daughters of certain members and edited Mitt Romney's wiki page. I'm not even RL American and even I msged the Mitt Romney campaign to alert them of Ajay's editing.

He isn't a conservative, he isn't an american, and he's definately not sane. Why do most of AFA support him is because they are Serbian and don't even understand english, I've proved that more than you wanna know about. But more importantly they support Ajay because well I won't talk about it.

Your Goddess,