Who the Hell Let You Back into the Country?

Day 1,954, 13:18 Published in Canada Pakistan by Frodo Tea Baggins

So I regained eCanadian citizenship, and let's face it someone was going to say it. Why the hell I'd want to move back is the real question? I guess there could be hope. Let's face it for all those who complained about my 2 terms as president it hasn't been unpleasent watching them run the country into the ground, the odd moments when there even is a country.

So let's face it I always have a plan and I don't think anything becomes unsalvagable if you have the right ideas. Or maybe I'm just here to laugh, either way I will always entertain myself. So sit back, buckle up and enjoy the ride, whatever it might turn out to be. Supplying the cheese for your whine since 2010, never fear...

Your Goddess,