What Gives USA?

Day 2,369, 07:39 Published in Canada Canada by klop123

Canada, we have been at war for a long time now. As a population that thrives and unites during times like this we should be happy, but we are not. Why, you ask? You already know -> America our current occupier. We aren't happy because we did not want this war, we didn't start and we sure want to end it.

Before we really get into it, there have been a few articles in the USA media that has piqued interest in the past few days, one by our own CP, DMV published by HeapSeppo (link here) and another good one (link here) by Hale26. By no means are these articles completely Canadian friendly but they show a logic and I daresay a reasonable argument to ending this war, what the so called American elites refuse to admit. They provide several strong arguments on why this war, previously fun, has become stale and expensive, for both parties involved among other things.

And then we have the bad, Gnilraps article, which attempts to explain the spending by the US government over the past four months (more on this below) and how he claims that the 3 million USD America has thrown into this war is somehow justifiable for activity among other things especially considering we do 1/6th America’s damage on average. But there exists a worse piece of propaganda written by Talostatic, who claims that killing our community is a good thing and that we have a Serb MPP, which makes us an automatic enemy.

I have nothing against these authors personally of course.

We now arrive at the main question. Why is the USA at war with us?

Serbian MPP & Leto Affiliation

Time and time again, we hear that we have to drop LETO and Serbia to even be considered for peace by America. A lot of the early reasoning by USA for the war with us was that we had a Serbian MPP. Obviously the MPP has become a nonstarter in negotiations, because we do not let other countries dictate our foreign affairs. Furthermore, it is easy to tell that this is simply an excuse in America’s quest for resources, which they thought would be easier to get by war.
Why an excuse you ask? Well, guess who else has Serbian MPPs AND a NAP with USA. If you guessed Colombia and RoC you’re right. Portugal also has a Serbian MPP and enjoys freedom.

How did we get here then? Well as all of you can remember, the big alliance change occurred right when we were in the middle of invading the UK, a good ole rival of ours. We immediately sought peace and attempted to align with USA, who had just sent MPPs to Poland, Spain and UK, all countries that had set Canada as an NE. We were rejected and were left to find new friends. Since we could not join their side we left for the other one, with little choice. An interesting point by Prophet009, a legendary Polish citizen for proof (http://prntscr.com/3jjcu40). Brazil has also left Sirius, shouldn't you focus on remaining allies? (tsk tsk http://prntscr.com/3jq7v8 + http://i.imgur.com/CEZFv7f.png)
America, why would you demand we rejoin your side after you rejected us? Did you even try to ask nicely?

Activity & Aide to Citizens

Another point that frequently gets mentioned is that it is a boost of activity for US citizens. Well, guess what? Wars with nations with similar size also does wonders, ask Chile and Argentina. I suppose we’d understand if it went back and forth a lot or if it did not end up lasting long enough to be repetitive and boring, a stage at which we've arrived. If this is the excuse for the war, well the activity boosting is done here, move on. We've also seen Gnilraps claim that COs that led to 3 million USD being spent aided citizens of the USA, when anyone could have claimed the CO money most of the time. Perhaps the only valid reasoning would be TP points and subsequent gold. Even then, would USA not be better off warring with enemies located in Europe? They would be helping Sirius in Europe (besides Poland) rather than let Aurora do all the heavy lifting right?


This is probably the most valid reasoning behind this war. I mean why else would a grand citizen such as WildOwl claim to respect our past bromance and avoid war, then a week later declare us a Natural Enemy and blame it on our Serbian friendship (which was already well established). If it isn't about the Serbs, the activity or the TP gold this is the only other reason. At this point it seems for two or three meager resource regions, USA has lost any hope of keeping Baja or Japanese regions.
This could have all been avoided if logic had been used and a rental agreement had been point in place. For now though, USA seems all tied up in a very expensive rental agreement.


In closure, it seems like the USA is just as stubborn as Canada when it comes to war. But, now we’re ready for peace. I mean, in what other situation have you seen a much bigger occupier spend more than the smaller occupied nation in eRep? The recent offer we have made to the USA asked for nothing in return except peace. We offered what they've clearly been seeking for FREE and ask for peace in return. Seems like a pretty good deal to me, unless you just want to kill the eCan community.

So, USA that begs the question…

Are you ready for peace?
We are.
We’re also ready to take this series to Game 7 and win it.

Your move USA.

Another article or two you should read here & here