Weekly Power Rankings #30; Wipes, Get Them Half Off!

Day 1,917, 16:34 Published in Canada Canada by Shoi12

Welcome to another edition of the eRepublik Power Rankings! Here are the rules; the efforts of the top five countries this week will be recognized, and the five worst performances will be mocked, no exceptions! Countries are recognized for many things, including successful defending, securing strong alliances, and, of course, conquering rivals. Without further ado, let's begin!

Updated as of 14:00 New World Time, Day 1,917

Rk (Last)


1 (NR) Hungary

The battle with Romania continues! In this everlasting war, Hungary has taken the clear advantage over their EDEN rivals, conquering region after region. Hungary has received much support from their allies, as their quest to wipe their southern neighbor, while EDEN support has been split between the Romanians and the Taiwanese and Argentinians. As a result, Hungary has managed to knock Romania completely off the face of the map. The Huns have now wiped the Romanians once again. That leaves yet another EDEN nation completely wiped at the hands of CoTWO. Now isn't this fun?

Week rating: 9.5/10

2 (NR) Greece

The mighty Greeks have begun yet another campaign as one of the main leaders of EDEN left in the Balkans. They have had their own time of despair, but while they saw Romania and Turkey collapse at the hands of their respective rivals, Greece has not bucked under the pressure of their enemy FYROM, managing to overthrow their occupiers in many regions. While FYROM has been focused in Iran, Greece has taken the opportunity to conquer all of its home regions back, even managing to sneak into Western Macedonia. After reconquering their regions and a little more, Greece has taken the chance to support their Turkish allies and battle Bulgaria. Can the Greeks turn the tide?

Week rating: 9.1/10

3 (L2) Brazil

Okay, so Brazil hasn't been absolutely successful in every front. After all, they received massive waves of resistance in South Africa, traditionally their colonies, losing a region or two to liberators. However, on their home continent the Brazilians absolutely destroyed their enemies. Their greatest victory was defensive, holding off the Colombians during an attack in northern Brazil. This set the tone for the whole week, as Argentina was no match for their former ally's rampage, and Colombia and Uruguay were both humbled to their knees. While Brazil certainly hasn't won all the battles, they've won all of the ones that count. CUA stands no chance at this point.

Week rating: 8.7/10

4 (NR) Portugal

Took you guys long enough 😑 After NUMEROUS failed attempts and bountiful supplies and support, the Portuguese finally managed to reach the surface and touch the map once more. Stubbornness may a double-edged sword, but being a little headstrong certainly helped the Portuguese, who fought a bloody, gritty battle for Lisboa and finally liberated their capital region. Quickly recapturing their island base in the Azores as well, the Portuguese are well on their way to full rebirth. Well, were. After an ill-fated attempt at supporting their Canadian allies in NFL, the Portuguese are on the defensive, with the Azores being overwhelmed with Spanish invaders. Can Portugal use this solid week to stay on the map?

Week rating: 8.2/10

5 (NR) Poland

Any other nation would have gotten more credit for such an achievement, but lest you forget, it IS Poland. Not much the Swedes and Finns could do, as the two-tailed bromigos (gawd I hate myself) both submitted to mighty Poland's massive influence. The Poles were able to save their brother Latvians and Estonians, wiping both major enemies by coordinating attacks against Sweden then Finland. Despite Poland occupying parts of or all of five nations (France, Germark, Netherlands, Sweden, Finland), they still retain their title as a force to be reckoned with even after the RW drain damage. Where's Poland's next adventure? *sets up the dartboard*

Week rating: 8.1/10

Honorable Mentions: Japan, Chile


Just barely good enough: Finland, Australia

B5 (B3) Sweden

Sweden had enough trouble with Latvia. But against Poland? Now that's just not fair. The founding Asgard member fought valiantly against the Polish, but were absolutely overwhelmed, and died with a whimper. Unlike their Finnish brothers to the northeast, who were also wiped yet managed to salvage a region, the mostly linear placement for Swedish regions proved to be their downfall, as the Poles went straight through Swedish territory to reach Finland, not letting a region go. The Swedes will have no luxury of Polish mercy or apathy. They will need coordination and massive influence to return to the map. Unless, of course, they cop out. They won't, right? 😛

Week rating: 3.5/10

B4 (H2) Spain

A lot of people, I'd think, forget, or at least overlook the fact that Spain always has at least two RWs to deal with. Unlike their Polish and Serbian friends, who can afford multiple RWs, a massive but mostly unfocused Spanish military often has trouble dealing with their revolts, even with friendly Venezuela's Guyana. With their invasion of Canada, the lines finally broke, as Portugal FINALLY liberated its region of Lisboa. Canada also managed to liberate a region, as Quebec found itself back in the hands of the true north. Spain has admittedly begun to fight back against the Portuguese, but they'll need a lot to beat the two revolting nations.

Week rating: 2.8/10

B3 (5) Argentina

Brazil fighting the forces in Colombia was but a premonition. At long last, longtime friends Argentina and Brazil clash. And the end result? Nothing but destruction and havoc for the Argentinians. With powerful Chile threatening in the west, scrappy Paraguay attacking from the north, and the monstrous Brazil attacking from the east, Argentina helped set up an organized resistance force, CUA. Unfortunately, it only delayed the inevitable, as Colombia and Uruguay both were wiped. Argentina, the last pro-EDEN nation left in South America still with territory, may join their brothers in the grave.

Week rating: 1.7/10

B2 (NR) Romania

Go Hungary go! Oh wait, this is the Romania section. Well, what can I say? Romania was absolutely destroyed by their Hungarian counterparts. Blame the lack of coordination, lack of support, or just lack of will, the Romanians looked like they were on a completely different level than the Hungarians, and not in the good way. Romania was utterly hammered into the grave, as it ended with a whisper. Now, yet another EDEN nation has been wiped. Romania is mighty despite its wipe, and cannot be expected to be wiped for too long. But this is a humbling defeat not just for the Romanians, but for EDEN in general.

Week rating: 1.3/10

B1 (NR) Iran

Good try, Iran, good try indeed. Can you really blame them for trying? The Iranian government issued the order to strike FYROM as the Macedonian army reached eastern Turkey, in an attempt to quickly push CoT back and support their friends in EDEN. However, Iran failed to account for Russia, a nation long been waiting for an excuse to attack their southern neighbor and solidify themselves in the interests of CoT. What resulted was a mighty battle for eastern Turkey, hard-fought for by both sides and ending in FYROM's favor. After that and Russia's declaration of war, it was simply province after province falling into CoT hands. Hey, where's Iran on the map again?

Week rating: 0.8/10


Welcome back: Denmark, Norway, Portugal

Sayonara: Australia, Iran, Philippines, Romania, Singapore, Sweden

Other notable events:
Colombia frees itself, wiped again
Germark plays with Denmark
Netherlands says farewell to EDEN
Thailand sneaks into ACT

Japanese Music
Mainstream Music
Video Game Music

Kimi + Nazo + Watashi de JUMP!!

This is glorious ^.^

Recommendation: 10/10

Until next time, take care!

(Extra note: finished this in less than an hour...see what happens when my friends aren't online?)

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