Weekend NewsTime

Day 2,034, 00:07 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Jimbobfrey

Hello and welcome to the Weekend NewsTime! This is the one-stop place for all your eRepublik news desires.

TWO vs CoT

Yesterday, the Not-So-United States of America lost Alaska to Hungary. This happened shortly after Serbia tore the Americans right out of Aquitaine.

Speaking of ripping people off, a senior member of the US govenment told NewsTime the day before that “‘Merica can easily deal with y’all TWO people. I mean, c’mon, y’all know how awesome we are, right?” After hearing about his country’s losses, he was pretty disappointed.

US citizen reacts to his eCountry getting totally pwned by TWO


The Thai government have announced the official opening of Texasland. This is a large theme park where people can go to enjoy airstriking the USA and fighting RWs.

The TexasLand logo, a weird shape with the Taiwan flag on it. Nobody knows what that shape is, maybe it’s a triangle?


Admins have recently discovered a new metal in eRepublik, titanium. Speaking about the new discovery, Admin representative Add Minn said “We’re really excited about titanium. It’s set to replace GodofWarium as the most desirable piece of metal in eRepublik.”

The process used to obtain Titanium

“We consider titanium as being extremely valuable so we’re setting the price at about 1 billion gold.”

“Despite being newly discovered, it’s pretty easy to get your hands on. You only need to borrow the entire UK treasury to buy the necessary gold and play for 30 years, no problem!”

Finally, we leave you with good wishes. Remember to vote in the PP elections:

Thanks for reading 🙂