We want more cities! [Petition]

Day 979, 05:20 Published in Serbia Hungary by Heidar


Dear Players from all over the eWorld!

eRepublik is an online social strategy game which try to copy the real word. The V2 made a lot of changes in the game. Now we can choose from several military skills. Each skill has benefits in different geographical forms. The maps of the regions mainly contain plains, which is good for helicopters. By far the rarest forms are cities, which give extra defense points to artileries. Those who are talented in this skill have big disadvantages against others.

It is normal that plains are the most frequent geographical forms on the maps but we want more cities.

And why should You add more cities?

Because nowadays every second man lives in a city. More than half of the population of the Earth lives in cities and this rate is continuously rising. Urbanization is very rapid. In the 2005 UN World Urbanization Prospects report: the global proportion of urban population rose dramatically from 13% (220 million) in 1900, to 29% (732 million) in 1950, to 49% (3.2 billion) in 2005. The same report says that the figure is likely to rise to 60% (4.9 billion) by 2030.

1. map: World map showing percent of population living in an urban environment. (click for bigger)

1. picture: Chicago and his urban area at night from the space. Is it only one hexa?


You can sign here the petition.

Please vote it if You agree!

Citizen of the New World