Day 1,561, 09:41 Published in North Macedonia North Macedonia by Starfool

I have a dream... of a strong leader...

Don't worry it is not me... I can't be... I am no media mogul, no congressmen, or president... I am a soldier...

But.. I have idea what should be the leader... It must be a person, with great charisma,vocabulary and charm... must be on line 24/7, he must know who are our real enemies, he must tell me how to spend my gold... he must be an Idiot...

Why??.. Well because today we have a politicians that, conserve GOLD, to pay out voters.. We have Warriors that are hitting more for Serbia, Hungary... in stead for Macedonia, we have media moguls that are making comics to intertain us...

IDIOTISM!!! When we will put an end of these idiotism??? when the media moguls will help us to organize our self, and start a baby boom, when the congressmen will not take advantige of their position... and when the president will be smart enough and take us out these shit