We are humans after all

Day 1,515, 08:42 Published in North Macedonia North Macedonia by Starfool

Well our allies don't help us so far, so I am suggest new tip of foreign politics. These nonsense I reveal because, several reasons:
1. Allies helped us so far but they lost interest
2. We always kept their back safe
3. Estonia was more important then Macedonia
4. Execept few faithfull, most didn't mater that Macedonia is in trobule

So I propous new MPP
New allies for eMacedonia, can be categorized in 3 groups:
1. Brothers in arms: Hungary, Serbia, Slovenia, Poland, Montenegro, UK
These nations are proved as friends.
2. Friends of nations: Spain, Iran, Belgium, S. Korea, Indonesia
Fighters, but.... we have common interest
3. Wield cards: Bulgaria, Egypt, and the rest...

Why Bulgaria we have common interest.... TURKEY

Well I think that is time to sign MPP with: Republic of China, People's republic of China, India...

These is what I want to achieve:

1. New proven friends of Macedonia
2. Quit the passive politic
3. Implementing: Help me now, I will help you any time
4. Making more independent moves in global politics
5. Stopping the back stubing

If you like this ideas and what I stand for, Shout, if you have any opinion, or comment write it, but don't be insolting, This is just a game, If we all sit at the same table, and drink, togeather... you will know... we are just HUMANS...