We're fighting to become a superpower.

Day 1,311, 22:51 Published in United Kingdom USA by Emerick

And we can do it!

Hello people of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and the Island of Island, this is a seriously a goal that's reasonably attainable by us, but we all need to work together!

Here's a few easy things you can do to help our country grow:

1. Join People's Communist Party - These are the people that will help shape you into the proud and sustainable Communist that our great state demands that we all become.

2. Always vote PCP - eRepublik is a game where max efficiencies are possible and are something we should strive for. Just like the Glorious Pakistani Socialist Empire of lore, our great state can become a powerhouse on the backs of the workers.

3. Join the military - This is where the fruits of our labor end up. In the ideal world of a good eRepublik country, taxes are high, and communes are used by everyone, all to promote maximum efficiency. War is seriously the only thing that anyone around here cares about, so if you don't like clicking "Fight" 50 times in a row, this game might not be for you. But if you do, then you're in paradise. eRepublik let's you click that button 50 times in a row - not once, but 4 times a day(if you're a no-lifer basement-dweller such as myself).

This, my friends, is how easy it is to make your country a superpower - and thanks to the admins' communistic take on work skill, even the newest people in the world create just as much by clicking the work button than a guy who's spent 3 years of his miserable life on this website.

Yours in mom's house,