WasScarfarWhoTurnedIntoADragonWhichWasn' tAsGoodAsIThoughtItWouldBeIHadToMoveOutO fMy3BedroomSemiDetachedIntoCaveAndTheRen tIncreaseWasExtortionateIAlsoLostMyJobAs ISneezedAndBurntTheBuildingDownFortunate lyTheOnlyCasualtyWasGarryWhoWasAComplete DickButTheyWerentHappyAboutTheCostOfTheD amageSoITurnedBackIntoScarfar4CP

Day 2,835, 13:35 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by playerunknown


I'm running for CP.

If you could vote for me on the 5th that'll be great. And if any parties could support me, that'll be great too.

So why should you vote for me? Well..

idk. well i was a dragon for a bit but that's about it. oh and something about kicking french people or something, can't really remember.

btw, if you happen to come across any spare food, please send here thanks


and if you're lucky i might write some more about next month.

quack quack