War at Home; War in the World

Day 1,246, 20:31 Published in USA USA by Emerick

All around the world, war rages in the homelands of our allies. Poland has invaded Brozil. Servia is rushing through Russia. Italy is in peril. France is still missing large chunks. Australia is being invaded by Indonesia. Yes, again. Rumania is in ruins. Germany is gone. Finland is down to their final region.

At home, we're being bumrushed by Hispanics. Mexico is trying to cross the border, and Spain is still trying to get a foothold. Poland has been blocked off into New England, thanks to our bros up north. Suffice it to say, we're safe, comparatively. Or to put it another way: PEACE GC, ONE is not. Rather, they are a small collection of the most imperialistic and power-hungry nations of the world. They're like the BP Oil of eRepublik. I mean, they did make a mess in the Gulf of Mexico. What I'm trying to say is that ONE is pig disgusting, and that's all there is to it.

The thing with ONE is that they have manpower. Nothing but raw manpower. They're not especially great at coordinating, though it is easier to do that with 5 countries, rather than however many Eden+Terra have. 300, I believe. They're not fantastic at strategy, unless press the first button you see is considered a strategy. They do seem to be decent at creating pawns. Peru was converted and almost made a small dent in Brozil before being bulldozed a few months ago. Then Mexico happened, where, during a friendly swap with us, Poland went ahead and invaded the shit out of them, still hold three regions, and got Mexico to invade us. Fear is a powerful tool.

Those of us in the civilized world do not use fear to create allies.

The point here is that we're all under fire, together, and we need to distribute damage accordingly. The best way to help put out damage is to join a military unit - they'll supply you with food and weapons, and all you have to do is follow orders and work for slave wages. But in a game where you earn 10g monthly and can work for your own company to make extra dough, that's not really a huge sacrifice, is it?

My unit of choice, you ask?

Join it

The US Armed Forces. Officially licensed and operated by the US government, the US Armed Forces consists of Boot Camp for nubs, the US Army, and ~coming soon~: the US Army Special Forces, housing the top damage dealers in the Armed Forces.

Since its creation on April 6th, my Secretary Avruch and his staff have worked hard to make this unit stable and ready for the future. The unit has swelled in numbers over the last thirteen days, and is doing serious damage for us and our allies on a daily basis.

In other news, our swaps with Canada will be concluding very soon. We'll have Florida, West Virginia, and Manitoba added to our country by the 25th, so those of you running for congress and those running congress elections will need to keep that in mind. We should have all those regions in our possession in no more than three days' time.

For your perusal, the Canada-USA National Treaty:

President Emerick
April 19, 2011
Day 13
signing out