Wages on the up!

Day 998, 13:39 Published in South Korea United Kingdom by Grampa Alfagrem

The Gibraltar group is pleased to announce that all wages in its South Korean Grain, Food and Ticket companies have been increased.

Workers can now earn;

Skill 10 :: 3KRW p/H
Skill 9 :: 2.7KRW p/H
Skill 8 :: 2.4KRW p/H
Skill 7 :: 2.1KRW p/H
Skill 6 :: 1.8KRW p/H
Skill 5 :: 1.5KRW p/H
Skill 4 :: 1.25KRW p/H

I'd like to thank all our workers who endured the period of instability created by the V2 module and hope that we can stay together to enjoy the benifits of the recovery.

I'd also like to apolgise for the raise not applying to those slaving away in the Q5 tank factory. The recent worldwide hacks resulting in a slew of cheap Q5 tanks being 'made' available but I assure you that you are not forgotten and you too will shortly enjoy the lifting of economic restrictions.

Please do not hesistate to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have about anything e-Related and be sure to contact the organisation you work for if you feel your wage does not match your skill.

CEO Gibraltar Group,