Vote Thomas765 in the West Midlands

Day 1,373, 09:02 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Thomas765

Hello there,
This is just my intent and manifesto for running in the West Midlands under the United Kingdom Reform Party.

On to the article then...

I'm running for congress in the West Midlands - English industrial heartland. So, why vote me?

Why vote for Thomas765?

- I've been a former 6 time UK congressman, a former Country President (in Austria; sole candidate) and a former Speaker of Congress. I'm also the current cabinet secretary of the government.
- I'm the current Party President for the United Kingdom Reform Party, the largest party in the eUnited Kingdom and the membership deemed me trustworthy and reliable to hold that position once again.
- I'm more active than most other congressmen elected. I'm always on IRC and quite frequently available to talk to on the forums.

My aims and views as a congressman

Currently, most official proceedings are done on the forum and it hardly ever reaches those who don't regularly attend the forums. Even then, why would people want to join in on discussions that aren't discussions but arguments? I do want to aim for more people to get involved in these 'discussions' in their own way.

Aside from that? I don't like promising things that I can't or am not permitted to give, which is why I refuse to make promises that other candidates give, which are quite often false.

I want to see newer people get involved in elections, in government and on the forums. I have consistently tried over the course of last month with trying to elect new citizens into congress, notably including Top Hat Harry, HeloDan and murdoc1.

So why not vote for me on the 25th in West Midlands?

United Kingdom Reform Party President and congress candidate in the West Midlands.

Thanks for reading,