Vote Scrabman-Moishe on April 5th!

Day 498, 06:58 Published in USA USA by scrabman

I've been trying to get this article out announcing my selection for the next Vice President of the United States (assuming y'all decide to keep me in office). I would like to formally announce Moishe as my Vice Presidential candidate.

I've been talking about him for a while in the eUSA Forums but I didn't want to have an article announcing him get lost in the preparations leading up to the War Games. I'm happy to announce that the War Games are going very well and that Moishe has been looking into some ways to make them more fun by having some friendly competition among the military units and others. We finished this first round of War Games with a wall of more than 182,000! I will let Moishe elaborate in his newspaper as he is my current Secretary of Defense.

In any event, I need to make a quick announcement first. Many of you in the Forums already know this but I changed my staff around a little this week. I moved my real life friend Hokiehigh from the position of Chief of Staff to the trusted position of Secretary of the Treasury where he has been working to manage the funds remaining in Ft. Knox (including making good on my promise to return a large chunk of that money to the control of Congress). My new Chief of Staff is USWP friend and former Speaker of the House, ProggyPop. I believe that this change will make things work even better heading into my second term where I will then take applications to see if we want to update the cabinet.

As for that second term. Many have wondered what a conservative RL ex-military guy like Moishe would have in common with a liberal RL civil rights lawyer (also a former Prosecutor) like me. Well, when I started playing eRep I hadn't planned on being a politician ... rather I started as military. Moishe was General of the Armies early on in my military career and I greatly admired his abilities to lead and some of the many reorganizations he did of the US Military. He made the military command structure work and made the troops understand what their roles were ... he gave us purpose and made it fun. After leaving that post, Moishe would later accept my offer to have him head up the Wellness Committee when I was the Party President of the USWP. Moishe served very well until he left us for the CVP and it was a great loss as he had accomplished much during his short time on the USWP Executive Board.

Thus, I would like to have Moishe as my Vice President for many reasons. Perhaps one of the greatest would be to revitalize the Army that has languished under the command of Joeph Cole. I'm sure that whatever Moishe can come up with will help us all. I'm not talking about having Moishe take over the military, simply to work with them to find ways to bridge the communications gaps and other current problems. I would like to see Moishe appoint a competent Secretary of Defense and work with him or her to find ways to get the men and women of the Army feeling that they are doing more than just waiting to qualify for the Marines. It seem like too much emphasis has been put on Tanks and Marines in the last several administrations and I would like to see Moishe bring back the Army as a distinct entity. I'm sure he can do it. That is why I created the new position of Secretary of Defense for Moishe and did not reappoint a Joint Chief of Staff.

Moishe is not all military though. He also served as Alabama's Congressman for 2 months and served in the seat with distinction. I believe that his fiscal conservatism will come in handy for helping us to establish the Federal budget with the assistance of Ananias and the Congressional Budget Committee too. We need to find a way to get realistic about the taxation and spending habits that, up until now, have been haphazard and not very well thought out. We need a plan and Moishe is the man when it comes to making plans. Moishe is well liked in the military, Moishe is well liked in Congress, and Moishe is well liked in his newspaper. Moishe will be a positive force for the nation and that is why he will be my Vice President.

Please vote Scrabman / Moishe for President and Vice-President on April 5th!

Remember, no other candidate has told you they would continue the War Games in Baja ... we brought you War Games and we will continue to bring War Games ... 35 free fights per week and more than 150 free fights over the course of a month! Most people should easily earn one or two battle ranks during this time. Remember, the next fight is tonight at 17:00 server time.


*Thank you to Dannie Bolden II for the creation of these awesome campaign signs.