Vote for Franz Kafka - Congressman for Red Sea District

Day 1,190, 03:19 Published in Egypt Egypt by Franz Kafka


This is Franz Kafka, appealing to the citizens to consider electing me for a second term as Congressman representing Red Sea District of Egypt.

Now is the crunch time for Egypt! In only a few days - the 'no attack' period ends. Then it's open season - dangers for us as empires on our borders consider the attractiveness of our resources - and also opportunities as we have the chance to negotiate (or agressively take!) new resource regions to help boost our productivity and wealth.

As you know, I'm an ardent supporter of our president - Heboo - under her guidance, and the faithful assistance of our Croatioan brothers, we have been the most successful of the new Arab countries in eRepublik. If elected I promise to continue to voice support for her policies from within Congress.

I follow the Arab Liberal Party agenda, so I will not try and create a whole raft of new policies. But I would like to presnet to you my priorities for the next term:

1) Economic growth - working within congress and in my capacity as Minster for the Economy, seeking to refine and get our tax and investment regime right to promote invetment, job creation, and greater higher quality product availability on our markets.

2) Defence - seeking and affordable and credible solution to our defense needs. Supporting a 'negotiation-first' approach to relations with our neighbours, but also a more practical focus on bulilding strongest relations with our nearest large neighbours - in particular Iran and Greece.

3) Population boom - I have already brought more than a 130 new citizens into eEgypt. I have written a new welcome message for citizens. I will continue to advocate that the only sure way to a successful country is to encourage more RL Egyptians to join the game.

Franz Kafka
Congressman - Red Sea District - Arab Liberal Party
Minister of Economy