US Refuses MPP with Russia: Canada Steps up to fill Void

Day 3,131, 19:20 Published in USA Canada by Exalted Druid

Clearly the USA’s refusal to sign an MPP with Russia was a sign that the USA had recognized the error of its ways.

Like the prodigal son the USA had wandered and squandered its time looking for a new Bro when it’s real and only Bro has been right there, on its head the whole time.

And like the Prodigal son’s father in the fable, Canada has welcomed back its wayward son with open arms.

Canada being generous and forgiving immediately sent an MPP to the USA welcoming the USA back.

One would have expected dancing in the streets of America as USA celebrated the generous and forgiving nature of their Canadian brothers welcoming them back.

But NO!

Only the dictator has the right to vote????

Who is this Evil Philistine of a dictator that would deny the people and God’s will?

One can only wonder to which evil she answers too?

I regret our American brothers are being lead astray by this evil dictator. Canada will continue to work towards Re-Broification of Canada and the USA despite the obstacles these Evil forces put up against us.

Just say yes to Re-Brification.

Yours Respectfully

Exalted Druid,
CP of Canada/Mandated to bring Re-Broifcation.