Update from the Prime Minister's Office: Reality Checks

Day 1,946, 06:09 Published in India Canada by Alias Vision

Hello India,

This is my second update from the Office of the Prime Minister (VP).

Over the weekend Croatia initiated a NE of India in retaliation for the military advances we had achieved previously while they were otherwise occupied in the Balkans. This was not an unforeseen event although one we hoped to be able to avoid or mitigate.

Unfortunately, the weekend also corresponded with a time when President Alector and myself were temporarily unavailable. Furthermore, all the money in CBI appeared to have been stolen. The positive news in all this is that President Alector had 2.3m cc of the missing funds returned to him, you can read more here. Additionally the issues keeping me away have passed and President Alector has been in contact with some members of cabinet while he deals with his technical difficulties.

Reality check.

There is/was uneasy coexistence between India and Croatia due to the occupation. The latest hostilities were initiated by India's decision to RW back home regions while Croatia was attempting the return of some of their own home regions.

Throughout India's military exercise, not once was a Croatian bonus region targeted. Our goal was to claim back some of our home while not being an influence sink for them while they fought important battles of their own.

Unfortunately for all involved, their mission failed and so now we provided the perfect foil. Croatia would NE for our aggression towards them. You can see by their choices of regions that their intentions are to destroy India.

Reality check x2.

India 91,381,550
Croatia 2,606,627,610

That is yesterday's influence numbers for both countries. India does on average 3.5% of the damage our occupiers do. Even if India wanted, it could never just "throw them out". We need help, we need allies... a lot of them.

We also can't just sign MPPs with everyone. Signing an MPP is necessary to be successful but you need to have an agreement that it will actually be used. India has a lot of work securing the friends and influence it needs to bridge the gap before it spends money.

Reality check x3.

India applied to CoT and was rejected.

Indonesia initiated a NE of Thailand which could be perceived as an opening move that would have ultimately allowed them to help us. The NE was eventually rejected however.

It appears like the decisions in both events were not solely due to CoT and their desire to help us or not.

This my friends is what forced neutrality looks like. It is also the perfect example of the fate of small nations who are not satellites to bigger powers. From a geopolitical point of view, there are more benefits to more nations if Croatia remains in Asia than returns home.

What is the answer?

That is a good question. It is a question this CP needs to be asking himself and it is a question all subsequent CPs of India will need to have as a top of mind issue.

President Alector's cabinet at this time will continue and increase its diplomatic activities. Some of you will say that's just talk... it is but that is how it starts. Unless large groups of influence dealers decide to suddenly come to our aid out of the goodness of their hearts... this is our reality.

As Prime Minister I have appointed ex-President xordin as official Indian representative to CoT. This appointment is subject to the President's oversight.

I have instructed our Foreign Affairs team to start talking to our allies and prioritize what kind of help we can expect and when we can expect it. I have also started preliminary work on further diplomatic overture we can do while our national situation resolves.

Finally I ask everyone to be smart about the situation. Fight to gain TP points but save all the bars and better weapons for a time when you can make a real difference. Look for updates from the CP desk or Ministry of Defense when and if this changes.

Bigger countries than us have tried and failed to stop complete occupation. Whether or not we get completely occupied, I ask everyone to maintain hope that we can find a way out. Our priority is survival and we will work to achieve that.

Thank you,