Union of South Korea and Japan

Day 551, 11:22 Published in South Africa United Kingdom by Grampa Alfagrem

Those eCitizens who have not noticed the war between eSouth Korea and eJapan may soon notice the disappearance of eSouth Korea from the world.

This has come about by the decision of the eSK government, congress, companies and populace to ask for and to be granted ‘Union’ with eJapan.

In the lead-up to the last party elections a number of ATLANTIS origin eCitizens from ePoland and eUSA arrived in our small country and without an introduction or a word of notice - they took the leaderships of 4 of our 6 parties.

Prominent eSK citizens then began an exchange of notes about fighting the latest threat (whilst receiving assurances that these attempts were not officially backed by the governments of those countries). The discussion soon turned into a general “The trouble with eSK is….” topic and after some debate the idea of following the Belgian example of ‘Union’ was mooted and eJapan was the ideal choice.

It was only in eJapan that we could continue to experience the democratic traditions, personal freedoms, outlooks, economic models and fun we had enjoyed and looked to emulate in eSK as well as to experience the stability and social activity that makes the game playable.

The government ministers voted unanimously in favour.
The owners of the then active, eSK owned companies were canvassed and a 2/3rds majority was achieved.
The eSK congress members were then polled and a majority was achieved there.

As the congress vote was on-going, The government of eJapan was approached about the possibility and agreed on the pre-condition that a majority of eSK’s would have to agree and the request was to clearly come from South Korea.


We then faced the most important vote in eSK’s short history and PMâ��s were dispatched to all the South Koreans that;

1. Were of voting age. (level 6)
2. Were active. (employed in any eSK company and showing as have worked in the last 3 days)
3. Were on the eSK citizens list. (had been in Korea the day before the last presidential elections)

5 eSK citizens were however not polled due to ‘security concerns’ and they were assumed to have voted ‘No’ in the final tally.


48hours after the last PM was sent, the vote was returned and the final tally presented to the president;

‘Yes’ - 23votes
‘No’ - 15votes
‘Abstain’ (no particular preference) - 4votes.

The president then informed the populace at large and the eSK congress began the ’Union’ by declaring war on eJapan.