Two sides of the same coin

Day 1,507, 05:14 Published in North Macedonia North Macedonia by Starfool

For a while I am a ambassador of Macedonia in Taiwan, till now I had good communications with the Taiwan's players... These are the main characteristics of a Taiwan's player:
-High level
-Rich in spirit
-His mind is in PR Chine?

I know that PR of China, and R China (Taiwan), are diferent?
I need answers from Taiwan:
-Why are you so loyal of PR China?
-Why PR China is so involved in R China's politics?

I know that that is your fatherlend,but why is such glorification of PR China?
Are you the two sides of a same coin??
My question is: Did I spoke only with China? I got several good sentences that several players told me... so I am asking is Taiwan - China? or Just China is leading Taiwanees politics