Two issues that you should think...

Day 715, 06:12 Published in Greece Greece by markos28
We had a big war these days..and a lot of countries took part..
Some won!!!and some lost!!! this is the results of an eWargame
We should say a BIG THANK YOU!!! to all the countries-Allies ..who took part in the eWar and secure Croatia ...Finland and Greece
Finland was the country who lost some regions..but we will do our best so Finland can take them back
This was the first issue ...
the second issue is about next goverments..and allies
The cost to have an ally is much much more expensive..than it was so far..what that means???
Countries will have straight fights with others..A few allies to support,maybe none!!!!
What does that mean??
Weak countries..and countries with very few gold deposit...will be ...BOOM!!!!! conguered..
You will propaply wonder...what is the guestion about???
I dont have any guestion for will have to make this guestion for yourshelf...and your country...

(the next is an advertising for eGreece)

Aκριτας σημαινει αφοσιωση..εμπιστοσυνη..αξιοπιστεια.. εντιμοτητα και θαρος..
Ανεκαθεν ηταν κ ειναι η πιο σπουδαια ομαδα της χωρας..αν θελεις να γινεις κ εσυ Ακριτας ..
δεν εχεις απο το κανεις κλικ στο παρακατω λινκ..