Traitors to the Malaysian cause

Day 503, 21:13 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by panzer1990panzer

Today has been a day of massive flight of congresmen following the election of sudierman. If these congressmen really cared about Malaysia they wouldent have left us.

They say they care

In every newspaper regarding why a congresmen left it has the same message. I CARE BUT I WONT STAY. THIS IS GARBAGE. These citizens are traitors to our cause. I am not and have never professed to being a rl malaysian. But since I arrived here I have cared more about this country and tried to make it a better place to be. Unfortunately every time there is a hardship many of our "leadership" or so they would like to be labeled. Leave the common citizen hanging out to dry.

Just my 2 cents. Lets make Emalaysia a better more active place.

Saddest regards-