Thomas765 running in London... again!

Day 1,462, 17:53 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Thomas765

Hello eUK!
This month I'll be running for congress in London, except this time under The Unity Party*. Essentially this is my manifesto but since most manifestos are a pack of lies these days, I won't bore you with lengthy paragraphs and tripe.

* To UKRP, I still love you guys. You were great. I just wanted to move on and have a new challenge.

Images from a past campaign... so much nostalgia!

Why vote for me?

There are a number of reasons why you should vote for me.

- I've been a country president of Austria.
- I'm currently minister of foreign affairs, alongside Mittekemuis and we're having a great term so far.
- I'm very active, perhaps more active than most of the other congressmen elected.
- This is my fourth time running in London, so it'd be great to retake the seat again. Additionally, I'm an 8 time UK congressman, having been in congress near consecutively since February (except in August, when the country lost the West Midlands).
- I am loyal to my country and alliance unlike others, who were once loyal to the UK but are now loyal to the USA, some of whom have fought against us.

My aims

- I'm a freethinker, so my aims, regardless of the party I'm in don't change.
- I'd like to see more new people get involved in UK affairs. Currently in the MoFA, we have quite a few new workers who are willing and quite able to do the tasks set for them. They are being trained up sufficiently, at least in my opinion, to do the MoFA job potentially in the future.
- I'd like to see the Minister of Legislative Affairs give updates on his ministry and UK legislation in-game, so the non-forum active citizens of the eUK can get an idea about what the person they elected is actually doing.
- Recently a proposal on the forums appeared about making congressman work for a certain period during their term. I support this as it makes sure that the people you elect are actually doing something, rather than running just to get 5 gold.
- I will give some or all of my congress medal winnings to the government as I did last month, to help ensure the UK succeeds at least financially.

So consider voting for me on Friday! You know you want to...

Thanks for reading,
