These are challenging times.

Day 479, 00:30 Published in USA USA by scrabman

These are challenging times.

I believe that Uncle Sam, his cabinet, Congress and, most importantly, each and every eUSA citizen would agree with that statement as being fact. We are currently faced with a choice that may have been inconceivable to many even six days ago ... and challenging times require that we seek steady, intentional leadership.

There is a growing call for change in leadership and in tactics during this challenge and those voices are valued. As I mentioned in my last article - congratulating Uncle Sam for his electoral victory just six days ago - every vote I received and every vote received by my colleagues in the opposition represents a voice of encouragement for the varied visions and goals we represented.

It is inevitable that my actions will receive increased scrutiny with the current Articles of Impeachment being brought forth - in which I took no part. This is due to the fact that I was the runner up in the electoral contest for President. However, it is imperative that I impress upon all my colleagues in Congress to join me in fulfilling their duty to weigh the accusations against the evidence, assess whether the allegations warrant the consequence, and the critical step, listen to your constituents prior to exercising your vote.

In short, while I fully recognize the possible implications of the passage of the Articles of Impeachment as they relate to my future; I will not apologize for receiving the votes I did, as each one represents the distinct voice of an eUSA citizen seeking progress; and I will not shirk my foremost responsibility to the West Virginians I represent, for personal gain. I will also be wary of Uncle Sam's skillful ability to talk his way out of sticky situations by promising the sun, the moon, and the stars while delivering nothing of substance.

Regardless of the outcome, it is critical that you are aware that I am currently working with the administration and a formidable team of Foreign Policy, Military and Economics advisers to finalize immediate and long range planning to strengthen our nations borders, proactively plan counteroffensive maneuvers, and increase the stability of our logistics and supply in the event of an invasion. I will not be distracted from protecting and strengthening the eUSA and this team did not appear overnight but were my closest helpers during the campaign for President last month and have been helping me to prepare for the next go round. I lead by delegation and will make sure that the right people are in the right positions so that we do not fail in crucial areas such as foreign policy, fiscal accountability, or communication with the Congress. This is how I led the USWP and it would be the way that I would lead the country.

Finally, if the voices for change do prevail, you may expect a leader that will leverage the incredible knowledge of the cabinet, the Congress, and the American citizens to make information-based (rather than unilateral) decisions to seek for public benefit rather for than personal gain, and most of all to provide steady intentional leadership for the remainder of this term. If selected to serve as President I will do so to the best of my ability whether it is now or during the next election. The war isn't the only issue that must be addressed. We also must address our depleted treasury and our critically low supply of iron but those will be topics for another day.

I hope that, one way or another, we can address these problems as a nation and become stronger from the experience. And perhaps we can learn from our past mistakes rather than cyclically repeating them.