Day 2,789, 13:42 Published in Argentina Argentina by Balkvolt

Las mujeres te están esperando, pero no esperes a que vengan hacia vos. Ve, busca, encara, éxito o fracaso, no existe la gloria sin haber pasado por penas.

[ENG] Women are waiting for you, but do not expect them to come to you. Go, search for them, tell them what you want, success or failure, there is no glory without pain.

No te quedes en el pensamiento, pasa a la acción !!!
[ENG] Do not get stuck in thinking, you must move into action !!!

No lo imagines, hazlo !!!
[ENG] Do not imagine, do it !!

Ellas No buscan al príncipe azul ni santos pero no cruces la línea.
[ENG] Women do not look for a prince neither saints but do not cross the line.

Si tienes mucho dinero, ten cuidado !
[ENG] If you have a lot of money, be careful!

Imágenes motivadoras
[ENG] motivating images

No pienses demasiado, sólo hazlo !!
Si temes el rechazo y la derrota,
debes saber que si no intentas habrás sido derrotado sin siquiera haber dado batalla.

[ENG]Do not think too much, just do it !!
If you fear rejection and defeat,
you must know that if you do not try you will have been defeated without even having given battle.

Recuerda: " Si no haces nada, nada pasará " Actúa y Éxitos !!!
[ENG] Remember: "If you do nothing, nothing will happen" Act and I wish you successes !!!

The World Is Mine - David Guetta

COMMITTED TO THE TRUTH .... or something like that 😛

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