The State of the Union - A New Agenda

Day 488, 15:03 Published in USA USA by scrabman

My fellow eAmericans,

Over the last several hours and days, the cry for change and leadership has mounted. The culmination of that outcry has been the impeachment of my predecessor, Uncle Sam, from the office of the Presidency of the eUnited States of America. Let me be clear on one point, Uncle Sam was the President of the eUnited States of America, duly elected by a majority of Americans to that office, for two consecutive terms. While we may choose to disagree on his approach and actions while in office, we, as eAmericans, should afford him the same respect and courtesy as we would any that have served before him. Uncle Sam has been removed from office and that lasting legacy will be the great consequence of his missteps. So before moving on, I extend my gratitude to Uncle Sam for his service and call upon all Americans to close this sad chapter and look forward, rather than dwelling on the past.

With the impeachment behind us, we look to the future with a full recognition that eAmericans seek more than a call to move on, eAmericans demand that we move forward. Toward the goal of progress and unity, I will be moving forward on the following agenda items in the coming days:

Transparency and Accountability

For weeks, concern has been growing about the management and control of Fort Knox, with the most obvious issue being that the control of the key financial reserve of the United States is privately owned and managed by a single individual, the President. While this provides ample flexibility when required, it also provides an unreasonable risk for abuse. Therefore, within the next two days I will be delivering control of Fort Knox to Congress. While I will not presume to determine how Congress will manage control of Fort Knox, or if necessary a new organization for the same purpose, my expectation would be that the Speaker of the House would retain access until Congress decides otherwise. Appropriation is the charge of Congress and they may determine how that will be handled in the future, to say otherwise would be inconsistent with my positions as a Congressman over these last 4 terms of office.

Military Funding

Within the next few days I will be convening the Joint Chiefs of Staff for a comprehensive discussion of funding shortfalls, current mission requirements and objectives, and logistical support requirements. For too long branches of our military have struggled to receive the military and political support they require to function at full capacity. This dishonors their commitment to the eUnited States, and under my administration, with whatever opportunity my administration has, we will support our military with required funding and logistical support rather than just empty promises.

Additionally, I have already begun setting the stage for negotiation with several nations to conduct war games, which are an essential element for building the strength and experience of our nations military and citizen soldiers for future combat operations on foreign soil and to defend American soil. My goal within this shortened time-frame will be to establish an agreement which will allow us to conduct war games within the next seven days.

Federal Budget

As I mentioned during my previous campaign, prior to the next Presidential Election, a Federal Budget will be proposed which will provide for our necessary military expenditures, scheduled infrastructure investment and new citizen programs.

Finally, since receiving the nomination for president by my party many weeks ago, I have constantly emphasized that effective leadership can only be realized through the efforts of the many rather than a single individual regardless of that individual’s charisma or ability. Leadership is not based on position, it is based on a commitment to a vision and focused effort toward reaching that vision. In the next few weeks, and beyond, the progress that we make toward achieving our goals as a nation will not be based on the eloquence of our rhetoric or the strength of our argument, but on our unity as a nation around our common goals and the willingness of our citizenry, each and every one of us, to make a difference.

The eUS can only lead inasmuch as every American is willing to lead from wherever they are. I ask for your leadership, my fellow eAmericans, in charting our course and progressing toward our shared destination.

Expect more announcements in short measure as I have little time to dilly dally with the enormous task that is before me. I am already addressing problems on many levels and will be reporting my progress soon.

Thank you,

President Scrabman

Addition: Cabinet Positions are being finalized and we should have an announcement in a few hours on this topic.