The proposal to Admins / Predlog Adminima

Day 1,612, 21:16 Published in Montenegro Montenegro by Vladika.

Sorry for my English which is bad, but I hope you will understand me.

Admins, I have a suggestion that could improve the game and encourage new players, not just to keep playing the game, but also to work harder, fight and stand for their country.

Players are valued and respected by the number of medals won. New players can’t get a lot of medals, which is why they are unknown in the game and remain in the shadow of stronger and more experienced players, causing some of them leave the game.

For this, I propose to introduce another medal which would also reward players 5 gold. This medal would be rewarded once a month by CP to the most prominent player, who worked hardest, fought and helped his country. By winning these medals, young players would have became known, would have satisfaction of playing the game and would have a motivation to work even harder. This medal could be called "Medal of Honor" or "Medal of National Hero".

Kind Regards,


Verzija na srpskom

Admini, imam predlog za koji smatram da bi mogao da unaprijedi igru i da podstakne mlade igrače, ne samo da ostaju u igri, već i da se što više trude, bore i ističu za svoju državu.

Sada se igrači cijene i poštuju po broju osvojenih medalja. Mladi igrači ne mogu da dodju do većeg broja medalja, zbog toga ne mogu da budu toliko poznati i ostaju u sijenci starijih i jačih igrača.

Zbog toga predlažem da uvedete još jednu medalju za koju bi se takodje dobijalo 5 golda. Tu medalju bi jednom mjesecno dodjeljivao predsjednik države najistaknutijem igraču, koji se najviše trudio, borio i pomagao svojoj državi. Dobijajući takvu medalju mladi igrači bi postajali poznatiji, imali bi satisfakciju u igri i imali bi motiv više da se još više trude i dokazuju. Ova medalja bi mogla da se zove "Orden časti" ili "Orden nacionalnog heroja".

S poštovanjem,
