The Labour Party Facing Huge Blows!

Day 3,076, 16:46 Published in Armenia Iran by Anthony Buchanan

The Labour Party's leader, Anthony have announced that his party is facing multiple problems. He says to us that "The first one is many people are leaving the party because they want to join rival parties and to change their political minds. The second one is that, he is trying to unite eArmenia and to be protected from the brink of a another war/conflict. However, eArmenia's enemies started to attempt gaining one of eArmenia's regions and that makes it difficult for us to achieve and we're not giving up. All we need is to have a fully-peaceful, democratic eArmenia so that the drama will be finally be gone. The last one is that the party has a unorganized structure and hopefully, it will be fixed and however, it won't be easier. It will take time and effort to achieve that." He also encourages eArmenians to bring their virtual guns and to fight back at the nation's enemies so that the conflict will be over. He also wants eArmenians to join the Labour Party so that it can help serve the interests of the nation's people and to make lives easier for their families. That way, the party won't face a huge problem again.