The Future

Day 2,430, 14:29 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Madelina de Melrose

Thank you, everyone who voted in the TUP party election!

You’ll note I said “everyone”, not just those who voted for me. We will only succeed if members take interest, read manifestos, get to know a bit about those aspiring to leadership… and then take the time to vote for their choice.

I am humbled that I am your choice for Party President. We have a lot of work to do to turn this party – and the eUK – around. The past few months have been a nightmare, with parties more interested in scoring points off each other than in genuine reform and progress. Hopefully we can start to change that and bring sanity back to the government. Today in TUP you’ve shown you want positive change.

My VP will be NLSP. The Secretary-General position and single Councilor will be replaced with an Advisory Council (names to be announced). My Spokesperson will be VoodooMike71.

I will do my utmost to get the ship back afloat and keep it on a steady keel. Will we accomplish our goals in a day, a week, a month? Unlikely. There are still people who thrive on disrupting everything they can, and they will likely try to cause chaos here. I’m counting on all of you to respond to them by telling them their antics aren’t welcome here.

I particularly thank my campaign team, who did all the hard work to get me to this point. VoodooMike71, NLSP, hotfuz, Hugo Lilly and Talon Karrde all worked tirelessly to help restore TUP. Others also did their best to keep my foot out of my mouth, with Dan Moir and fm2008 high on that list. Most encouraging were all the messages of support from our TUP members.

In order to ensure we could take back TUP, several PP candidates selflessly withdrew their candidacy and threw their support behind me. I would be dreadfully remiss if I were not to thank them – so Paul Bates, Lamar H, fm2008, The Baron Samedi, Sarah Morgan and James Lowey, many thanks for putting party ahead of self. The time will come – probably sooner than you think – when it’ll be your turn in the hot seat, and I will be working to help you!

I also want to thank the Presidents of certain other parties who were very supporting – hopefully we all will work closely together to make the eUK a shining star once again!

Now let’s all roll up our sleeves and get to work – there’s plenty to be done!