The End of TWO - What it means for Ireland?

Day 2,251, 04:40 Published in Ireland Ireland by Bad BIue Boys

Hi eIreland, I’m writing this article little furious and mad, I hope you don’t mind my grammar mistakes or a bit harsh language. Many of you could witness how the strongest alliance in this game ever was actually pretty easy to fall apart. I was actually writing about this in my article - “eWorld tommorow”. Looks like I missed the date for only 18 days...fair enough I’d say.

In that same article I said that eIrish future maybe lies together with eUK. That was pretty realistic solution since I knew Croatia and Poland will go for an alliance together. Poland would bring UK I thought and Croatia would bring Ireland. Well, I never expected UK will be there as a founding member, but they actually shocked me. There was some message leaked where United Kingdom has been a founding member of a new alliance between Croatia - Spain - Poland - UK and maybe Greece? That’s quite surprising to see them as founders? Well not really!

British Foreign Politics is probably the best in the eWorld. When your diplomats makes your middle-class country look and act as a world power then you know they are doing it right. I spoke about their politics too in my article “Ireland let’s make some progress” I know something like this could happen and I can only congratulate to United Kingdom. Well played.

I mentioned how furious I am in the beginning of the article and here’s the reason. Since the UK is a founding member of a new alliance (well deserved) I kind of expected Ireland to be put on the same level as UK is. I’ve been working hard to make that happens, but it obviously didn’t. I’ve been told Ireland won’t be able to be a founding member of that alliance. Even though I know our Foreign Politics haven’t been on British level for a good while, probably for the past two years, I expected Croatia just to “take care of us”. Well, it’s not gonna happen. I’m mad at them, but I can’t totally blame them. We’ve been really inactive and we acted as a small country while being medium strong one. We must fix ourselves, solve our issues and get more active if we expect to be somewhere on the map of global events. That’s my goal, but let’s delay this for now…

Obviously, we’re not important enough to join the new alliance, that’s pretty much realistic, because we definatly didn’t done ANYTHING for the past 2 years. Except fighting for our allies. Ireland is a country loyal to its allies from the beginning of this game. How many similar examples one can find? And that’s what pissed me off. We’re small community, always loyal to our allies, always ready to get wiped just to make sure our allies gets help, we have so many offers to change sides and we never actually did. Even though we’d maybe be better somewhere else. We was still loyal. But, obviously the game changed, looks like dedication, loyalty and honor aren’t so important here anymore. I’ve been told that this isn’t “betrayal to Ireland” because noone said we won’t be helped by Croatia. Actually, they said they will always fight for us, no matter who are they allied to. It’s hard for me to imagine that any RL Croatian would pick a battle between Ireland and UK and fight for UK, that’s impossible. It's hard for me as RL Croatian to put my mind and set myself as eIrish. But that's what I am. eIreland is the reason I play.

Let’s bring some facts:
1. New alliance will be founded
2. Ireland won’t be a founding member
3. Croatia offers us MPP, UK offers us NAP

Now, we can sign NAP with UK and keep MPP with Croatia, we’d be safest country in the eWorld, we’d have allies on all our borders. That sounds alright, but also boring. Since we’d be pro-New Alliance we’d probably start negotiations to get in as official members too. We’d keep fighting for our allies, old and new ones, but we’d rarely be involved in any direct wars with someone. We’d maybe be forced to fight Canada too? Downside of this option is that we'd probably all die from boredom.

On the other side, this can be a new dawn for eIreland, we can stay neutral, be “availiable on market”, see what alliance will look the best for us, maybe we won’t be surrounded by allies, but we won’t be surrounded by enemies neither, since Canada and USA are our allies and it’s hard to imagine somehting else. Maybe we become punching bag? But we won’t sell our skin cheap. Good side of this option would be - we'd have time to fix ourselves and it would certainly be more interesting.

First of all, before making any decision, my dear eIreland, we have to solve our own mess, we have to start acting as a big country, since our history, our loyalty and our dedication makes us big. From now on, we have to pick only the most active politicians, those with idea and passion to lead us. Those who will make our IRC channels full of people, those who will make all eIrish use forum, those two things are so underestimated in eIreland. This is not my candidacy, I don’t intend to run for President, don’t get me wrong. I’ll help everyone, but I’m too busy in real-life to actually be CP. Do you know what was the last term Ireland actually had some influence in the eWorld? Back then when we was EDEN, and when we left EDEN, proved the world we’re not here for damage, proved the world we’re here for friends. Yeah, those good old days, who’s up for restoring the old glory?

I certainly am.

Don Croata,
First of all - eIrish!