The End is Near

Day 1,275, 15:22 Published in Belgium Belgium by Kylero

The end is near my friends, and no, I'm not talking about the Rapture that will supposedly occur on May 21st. The end is near for me. My eOrgans will soon be shutting down, and I will eventually leave this eWorld for something better.

There are many reasons why I will be leaving. Graduate school, RL issues, poor decisions by Admins to the integrity of the game, and lack of creativity in our nation are all major factors into my decision. I've been playing eRepublik since July of 2009, almost two years now, and have been on it almost daily, except for taking time off a while ago for many of these same reasons. But, I don't think I'll be back.

I've made a lot of friends during my two years on this game, many of which have died long ago. I do think there is such a thing as eDeath. Its when you realized all the things that made this game fun are no more. I will tell you, this game was fun. You know when you know, I guess, and I know this is the end.

I don't know what date I will stop playing, but I have resigned from the BAF, and the Congress. This means I will no longer receive supplies from the BAF, and I will not buy any more food. I will take this time to reflect on my days here in the New World. I will be writing my memoirs, of which I hope you enjoy. They will give you a glimpse of who I was, what my hopes and dreams were, my rationale behind doing things, and yes, there will be some secret telling, so look out for that.

I understand many will not give a hoot that I'm gone, and that's okay. If me being gone is better for eBe, then so be it. I know some of you will miss me, and I appreciate that, but know this is what happens, its just a part of eLife.

I will be giving away my possessions to people who need them. For new players, if you need food, money, or gold, I will help you out. If people wish to write me a goodbye article, I will give you some gold for your troubles and kind words. This is not an easy thing to do, but I think it is time for me to move on...

Your friend/ton ami,
