The END is coming!!!!!!!!

Day 1,380, 17:04 Published in Philippines Philippines by sansae2
"War can only be abolished by war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is
necessary to take up the gun."

- Chairman Mao Zedong (Tse-tung)

Our current battle with Republic of eChina (eTaiwan) will be the last and only battle we will be having between the ePhilippines and eROC until we sort out a better solution to conduct future Training Wars.

There'd been some outrage from our eROC counterparts because the "Training War" seemed like an "invasion" because of how rapid battles are coming and going. As there was no terms for the "Training War," both sides should not blame each other.

Bad publicity such as this Expanding Territory, has really created a debate this "Training War" gone wrong. What this publicity contains are malicious and misleading. I ask citizens of ePhilippines and eROC to ignore this kind of publicity.

Citizens of each country should base their opinion from reliable sources such as government publications.

sansae2, Presidente
Republika ng ePilipinas