The Emerickan Dream

Day 1,172, 13:31 Published in USA USA by Emerick

Alright people, here's how this Emerickan presidency will work: I'm going to have three people up top who are constantly on the same page as me, know all the future plans, all the current events and programs, what we're going to do, how we're going to do it, and what we want to see happen. These three people are:

David Landon
As Vice President, he'll be the main organizer, along with the Cheif of Staff. He's like a top level CoS, whereas the CoS will be more in the trenches. He'll be working, though. He'll be in talks with Eden, Panam, High5, and all that, but he'll be working with our homeland departments just as much. Contrast with the CoS, who mainly whips people around to get them to work. He'll be like the CoS's boss.

St Krems
St Krems will be playing the role of State Affairs Grand Vizier. He'll be above the State Department, but also working with them. I held a similiar title this past month, and did a lot of working on Panam. While he'll be working on state affairs mostly, I'll need him to be side by side with me on everything, and take chare during the hours that most of us Americans are sleeping. Seeing as he's a Euro, his time zone will play a key role in the event of an emergency during late late American hours.

Goalie has agreed to join my cabinet as National Security Advisor. A role that combines state and military affairs, it'll be a perfect job for Goalie. It'll give Goalie state experience in the event of a future run, and help us learn our enemies' military stengths and weakness, as well as our allies', and work with the JCS in all military affairs. I spoke to Goalie one night not long ago, and the ideas that were brought up in that conversation intrigued me. I look forward to working with Goalie in the event of an Emerickan win.

With those three at my side, our cabinet will always be ready to acknowledge and respond to anything that happens at any time of the day.

National Goals
I tried to change my campaign goals yesterday by putting in the gaol edit url manually. eRepublik decided to erase them because of that. So instead of those three multiple choice goals, I submit the following as national goals:

Conquer Southwest of Mexico
This one's a no-brainer. We need rubber, and SWoM is right there, begging for us to take it. I suggest that we do.

Acquire Deer
Hunting season is over, but I'm still feeling unsatiated. Also, we want deer to get that 25% boost in food. We lost our deer in Japan in the many RW's this month, so we need a replacement. The most obvious answer is to look into renting from Japan again, but we'd have to wait until our MPP with them drops. Looking around for other rental subjects, we have Spain, possibly. But probably not. Alterntively, we could conquer them with Brozil and France. There's also somdeer in Paraguay, but Jesus Crhist, that's a long campaign. Also we'd have to go through Brozil. There's nothing else extremely accessable, unless the opportunity presents itself. he best way to go right now is probably back to Japan. The problem with that is it might be a distraction against more important battles that our allies might be in, but then again, it's training for Japan, so there's that. Again though, Japan.

Secure the peg
I have a few people secured as an Ecomonic Council with the sole purpose of giving us a secure gol😛USD ratio again. There are doubts that it's possible at this juncture, with the admin fucking with the economy so much these days, but I want to explore it.

Verify relationships with foreign countries
I have a pretty good idea of who's an ally and who's an enemy of us right now, but I'm going to put forth a project to not only get straight answers without pretext or variables, but also gauge our allies' value/commitment to us. Of course, we don't want to be hypocritical, so we'll continue, as we always have, to be 100% supportive of all allied campaigns. Unless they're trying to destroy us.

Party power
As I laid out in my last article, a goal of mine is to increase party power in order to give noobs a greater political experience, get them connections and friends, and get them active.

I think that's a decent list of goals. With those in mind, we'll go forward into the next month and come out much better, having achieved them.

Now, it's come down to 5 people. mizu, Haliman, Claire Litleton, DaSmoe, and myself. I have one very important thing that most of these people don't have: experience.

I've led this country through times more uncertain than we're in now, and made it fun. I've heard time and time again from people that, when they came to this game and saw us down to only a handful of regions, they wanted to leave. But they took a minute and looked up a few articles. They stayed because they enjoyed my articles. Now, I'm not seriously telling you that I kept thousands of people playing in America and fighting for us, which led to our victory. No, that would be as egotistical as you can get. I might throw it in haters' faces, but you're not all haters. If you're a hater, pm me and I'll run things in your face because I hate you and enjoy making u mad.

What I'm saying is that I know how to have a good time in this game, and I want to show you a good time, America. I'm not saying that ~lol xD RaNDum~~~, I'm saying that we'll have a good time next month if you elect me. I know how to stimulate you in evey way possible, be it intellectually, strategically, or through memes and dick jokes. No matter what you like, I'm your man. And if you've seen me at work before, you know this to be true.

America will be hard at work in the next month, and I'd like to be at the helm of it, steering us, and queering us. Elect me for experience in actually running the country. Elect me for a superior and more grand-scheme foreign affairs plan. Elect me for sheer knowledge of how this game is to be played. Or elect me because I'll show you a good time. There are plenty of reasons to elect me. Choose the one that suits you best.