The 911th days Russia-China wars

Day 911, 04:05 Published in Russia Turkey by Hero Turka

İt was between these two countries in the other war that has been opened in new day.
China has captured Jilin from Russia, İnner Mongolia from Serbia and Hellokity from Hungary. Russia
has attacked to China to regain these 3 regions with the supposing she thought that all the attentions would be focused on in the war of Spain-France.

The war has started one hour ago and currently the walls are about 20 k level in İnner Mongolia and Jilin, on the other hand the wall is nearly 610 k level in Hellokity.

Hellokity has 3000 populations and q5 level hospital and defence system and is high iron region as well;
moreover it is quite important for Chienese economy.

İf İnner Mongolia ,Jilin and Hellokity can be captured, Russia will be in secure,but if these regions are lost against Serbia,there will be no border between China and Russia.

Hail Phoenix
Hail Russia
Hail Turkey

V+S Thank You.