Taxes: Proposal V2

Day 756, 00:10 Published in Thailand Italy by darden

Well as i say yesterday thanks to a friend i have earned all the interesting information about the thailand workers and now we can do a better analisys of all the economical situation.

Total citizens: 342
Unemployed players: 133

This means that we have a man power of 209 workers that are divided in the tree sector in this way

Players employed in lan😛 50

Grain 15 workers
Iron 9 workers
Oil 13 workers
Wood 13 workers

The Skill of these player are like we can see in this small Graph

From this we can understand two thing, we hasn't high skill in land sector and we create a new too much new skill in this sector 15 skill 1 and 19 skill 2 are too much for a country that not have high resource and can't be competitive with the foreign salary, so when the people increase their skill will leave the thailand.

From these thing we can understand that we must put a very very high income tax in all the land industry, in this way the player will not work in this sector and the company manager will close their company, in the future we can suppose a project of "Free License" or state agreement with country that has high resource for done an interesting import of raw, but for growing up now we need to close all the raw industry in our country.

Players employed in constructions: 24

House 24

The Skill of these player are like we can see in this small Graph

We can see that also in this sector we have some new workers, small things respect the Land and in this sector is an interesting thing, so i propose an income tax like the manifacturing at 5% , but a change of the current value of import and VAT or an increment of import, because at the moment the thailand company pay a VAT of 5% while the foreign company pay a total tax of 6%, in my opinion is too much low the difference and the gain for thailand company, in this way if we put the VAT to 3% and Import to 4% we will lose something in the nearest future but the company growing up more quickly and our market will gone better

Players employed in manufacturing: 138

Food 33
Ticket 41
Gift 16
Weapon 48

The Skill of these player are like we can see in this small Graph

This is our best sector we have a right mix of old workers and new workers, also after this information my consideration about manifacturing don't change, so income to 5% Vat to 1% and the import to 10% with and ready for a quickly change if needed, only an exception for the weapon market, i think that we can put a lower import for have more weapon in our market that isn't never a bad thing.



Skill 0 Workers : 16 * SalarySkill = 24.8 Thb
Skill 1 Workers : 33 * SalarySkill = 49.5 Thb
Skill 2 Workers : 56 * SalarySkill = 168 Thb
Skill 3 Workers : 23 * SalarySkill = 184 Thb
Skill 4 Workers : 29 * SalarySkill = 406 Thb
Skill 5 Workers : 9 * SalarySkill = 148.5 Thb
Skill 6 Workers : 11 * SalarySkill = 269 Thb
Skill 7+ Workers : 30 * SalarySkill = 940.5 Thb

This is an approximation because we can't know the real salary of workers.
From this we can say that there are salary for something like 2189 thb.

Taxes Earned ( 5% ) :
109.49 thb
Taxes Earned (10😵 : 218.9 thb

With our money value the difference is of 1.53 gold, so in my opinion 5% is better because i have the idea that if something don't change our ecountry's life isn't necessary and good.

Darden, Jedi Knight.